Season 1 episode 2

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After school you always did a singing lesson after school so you always walk home from school

You arrive at home and you think your mom and dad are still at work you take your shoes off and put your bag on the floor and dive on to the couch you turn on the TV and watch some TV for a bit you text nick and charli

A few hours later you look at your phone

You: 4 30 pm mum and dad will be home soon i better clean up first clean up my bag and shoes

You put everything away you make your mum and dad a coffee each and turn the TV off right as your mum and dad open the door you run to the top of the stairs

Mom: hi sweetie how was your singing lesson

You: it was good im just doing homework in my room

Dad: thats amazing to hear how was the first day

You: it was OK

Dad: have you been in touch with the boys yet

You: nope im going to call them after im finished im going to go and finish my homework now love you your coffees are on the side in the kitchen enjoy

You kiss there cheeks and run up to your room

You: do i do the homework or call the boys . The boys are normally busy later and im sure the homework can wait but they will get mad at me if they find out but i dont care if they get mad ill call them now

You sit at your vanity table and set your phone up you call the boys and are sat in there bedroom

Tony: hey sis how was school

You: terrible

Ondre: oh this doesn't sound good what happened

You: first nick scared me and charli and made us look like fools then avani had an argument with me and charli shipped me and nick then i got called to the headmistress office and she gave me a dress code i got laughed at by the whole class got told off my the teacher for having my bag then i got a detention

Tony: wow thats a really bad day

you: thanks tony that helped alot

Ondre: that attitude is really getting to you you need to calm down a little its gets you in trouble i know its hard but it needs to stop

You: i mean i can try but its really hard i hate that school they think im going to be bad because you guys when there

Tony: we wasn't even that bad

You: omg yes you was oh wait never mind now i think about it you actually wasn't why do they think bad of me its not fair

Ondre: here change of subject how was singing

You: it was great coach says im really improving

Tony: maybe in summer you can come down and sing for us all

You: you know i get nervous when i sing in front of people

Ondre: your going have to get over that fear one day

You: ill try my best ill let you boys go do you tiktoks and stuff love you

Ondre + tony: love you too sis

You end the call

You: now Netflix or homework um Netflix for the win

You watch Netflix for a bit then have your tea with your mum and dad then your totally forget about your homework and go to bed

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