season 6 episode 4

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The door opened we was too busy kissing to notice

Charlis pov

I had had a boring lesson last and i was with nessa

The bell went and me and nessa walked out together

Charli: gosh that was so boring

Nessa: oh totally i was asleep half of it

Charli: his voice just makes me die inside its so slow

Nessa: i know they need to replace him

Charli: shall we go to the lockers and wait for the boys

Nessa: sure

We walked to the lockers

Nessa: are you decorating your locker later

Charli: i think im not sure its hard

Nessa: it never gets easier especially when you get moved

Charli: im enjoying it here better though being with my best friends i cant think of any better living with your friends is the best

Nessa: oh yea i love it i mean i live with josh all the time but nick is amazing hes so funny he tells the best jokes

Charli: tell me about it me and yn have been friends with him for years we are a classic trio

Nessa: you guys are so good together

Charli: talking about nick there are all the boys now

The boys : hey girls

Us : hey

Tayler: have you guys been waiting here for ages

Charli: yea because you guys walk slow

Josh: hey thats mean

Nick: we can walk faster tahn you two any day

Nessa: oh yea lets see who gets to charlis dorm first

Boy: deal

Girls: deal

We all ran up the stairs and yes the girls won

Girls: hahha we won

Josh: thats not fair we had longer to walk to the lockers

Charli: what has the lockers got to do with the dorms

Tayler: what ever just let us in charli

Nick: come on slow coach

Charl: fine here

We walked in the room and saw Payton and yn kissing you could tell by there faces they both loved it

Nick: okay then awkward

He ran next door and slammed the door

Nessa: is he okay

Charli: he cant get over it

Josh: bless

Tayler: is anyone going to stop them or are we going to stand here and watch

Charli: oh yea sorry

I walked in the room and stopped there music

They stopped and looked at us

Yn went red and so did payton

Payton and yn: sorry guys

Charli: oh dont worry about it

Tayler: so how long have that kiss lasted

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