season 5 episode 6

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no one answered 

I was pretty upset about it do they hate me now im the one who got them in trouble after all 

so i decided to write them a huge paragraph saying sorry it was just sending when a message came through it was Payton i turned my wifi off so it wouldnt send and then deleted it 

Payton: how was it for you guys 

Josh: can we come round and we will explain 

Payton: cant im at home 

Charli: aww bumer

Josh: never mind i will explain when you come back 

Tayler: explain to us josh 

Josh: oh i will 

Nick: we on our way now ill bring snacks 

Nessa: ill bring blankets 

Charli: sleepover 

Payton: aww i cant believe im missing out you guys 

Yn: what your missing out to payton 

Payton: yea my mom thinks my behaviour is outrages 

Yn: i have to stay home for a long time its not fair 

Josh: aww dont worry we will treat you when you guys are back 

Nessa: we have do online school in school and we have to be in our separate dorm at a certain time 

Yn: that sucks i cant leave at all and im stuck with tony and ondres friends 

Payton: hey yn text me separately 

Yn: oh ok 

Josh: aww ship 

Nessa: cuties 

Charli: get together please 

Nick: so sweet 

Tayler: my hearts melting 

Yn: shut up all of you talk later

I went off the group chat and texted payton 

Payton: so since were both off school why dont we meet up and get to know each other more without anyone around 

Yn: are you sure about that who am i kidding sounds fun 

Payton: meet me at the beach near sunset 

Yn: can you meet me near the house gate i get scared walking the streets alone 

Payton: of course i can princess

Yn: aww thank cya you there

Payton: wuu2 

Yn: just chilling in my room trying to set this online school thing up even though im not going to do it 

Payton: oh same wanna ft and just chat 

Yn: sure 

Call started at 1:30pm 

The call went on for ages we was just chatting until i heard my door creak open 

It was chase 

Chase: oh my aren't you meant to be doing school work 

Yn: what do you want chase 

Chase: who you on call to 

Yn: payton why 

Chase: and what you doing 

Yn: what has it got to do with you 

Chase: your on facetime with a boy and flirting im telling ondre 

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