Ch3 p4

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After the ceremony was over and Gerent had drunk from the ceremonial communal bowl the three of them were escorted by a guard of honour, which Morvah informed him was made up of the castle guards, back up through the town. During the walk, Gerent noticed the captain of the guard, who strode ahead of him, and thought that he looked very familiar, but he couldn’t quite place him. Once back inside Madron and Morvah joined him in waving on the balcony once more and then to Gerent’s relief he was told that the days ceremonies were over until the evening meal. After removing the heavy breastplate and the dagger, he spent the intervening hours engrossed with Morvah in the study where he lisened entranced by her silver voice as she told him tales about the country he was in. When Gerent asked about the Northern Evells and N’zim, she laughed disparagingly at his name. ‘N’zim? He was the captain of the guard here, a position of high honour, but didst he show loyalty to my pater for giving him such a command. No, he didst not! He betrayed pater, planned a revolt of the forces under his command. When pater discovered this he was lenient and sent him to the Northern Evells, pater even went so far in his beneficence to promote the traitor’s brother to the castle command, so that the family was not disgraced.’

‘That was generous, not many would have done that. A traitor is usually executed.’ said Gerent, thinking of storylines of the many films he had seen on the subject. Morvah nodded:

‘You are correct, my pater is both generous and forgiving. N’zim’s mother cried with thankfulness for his leniency. And now I believe it is time to dress for dinner. Trent will be sent to assist you; I have selected ceremonial robes for you to wear. I hope they will please you.’

‘If you selected them I am sure they will.’ said Gerent, taking her hand. She pulled it away, but slowly, and led the way back to Gerent’s room. She lingered on the threshold as he entered and said in a soft voice ‘until later then, you will sit beside me.’ Before Gerent could reply, she was gone, closing the door behind her but leaving a wafting smell of honeysuckle in the room, Gerent sniffed it appreciatingly.

At the evening feast Gerent was placed between Madron and Morvah, his attention was so diverted by Morvah that he hardly noticed the jugglers, dancers, musicians and singers that entertained them the whole evening. After the meal he would not have been able to recall any dish unless it had shown how elegantly Morvah ate, what slender, delicate hands she had, even the withered hand was charming, how blue were her eyes and how wonderful it felt when she smiled at him, which she did throughout the meal.

Gerent went to bed totally intoxicated and captivated by Morvah, he lay awake thinking about her, conjuring a future life in the castle with her, Hugh did not cross his mind once.

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