Carack Ch 15 p2

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The next morning Gerent warily went down to the living room for breakfast, he found N’zar, Cam, M’zera, Wampa and Euny already seated there, they all rose as he came in and seemed unable to say anything until Wampa stepped forward, clapped Gerent on the shoulder in his hard handed manner, grinned and said;

‘Master Hugh! ‘Ee be looking grand, just grand, don’t ‘Ee master ‘Zar? Just grand and good to see ‘Ee it be.’

N’zar stepped forward and smiling, shook his hand, then Cam and Euny came and dragged him to the table calling for Siennastan and a Brownie Gerent didn’t recognise appeared, he was concerned about the Brownie he had last seen tossing her head at him and asked.

‘Where’s the usual Brownie?’

To which Siennastan tittered and replied coyly:

‘You mean Fawnstan? She’s been excused duty for a few days.’ She then  took his order before she disappeared. Gerent assumed that Fawnstan did not want to serve him at table as she had made it plain she disliked him and he felt he could not blame her.

N’zar and Cam were eager to tell Gerent about their battle on the plains and how Sancret had laid the plan to disappear into the mural as it was obvious that they would not be able to defeat Madron’s army and the Buccas who came with them. Cam was full of enthusiasm for the way Sancret had taken everyone, including the refugees, into the painted castle.

N’zar seemed to feel most the frustration at being able to see what was happening in the real castle but not being able to move or help. Once Sancret was ready, they were to have a conference and decide on the next course of action. N’zar and Euny began to discuss tactics to utilise what small force they had against an invading force from another lord as they told Gerent if it became known to all that there was no king there would be civil war and any stronghold, such as Widnbrea would be attacked to strengthen a lordos claim to the throne. Gerent thought the two of them seemed to get on well together and would make a good team, N’zar’s bold rashness combined with Euny’s tactical calm, both brave and fearless. Cam and M’zera were obviously much in love and, while Cam listened to the two captains discuss and argue strategy, he was holding M’zera’s hand all the while.

The eating of breakfast was over and they were just talking tactics, or listening in Gerent’s case, when Umberstan appeared and asked Gerent to come with him as he had something to show him. Gerent got up from the table wondering what it could be and Umberstan transported him to the Brownie homes he had visited when he first met Brunnstan.

‘This way please Lordling,’ said Umberstan leading him along the row until they came to an open doorway just below his eye level. Umberstan stopped and climbed the small ladder to the hole, which glowed with the light of an oil lamp.

‘This is the home of Fawnstan, she would be pleased if you would look in as she has something to show you.’ Gerent stooped and, curious, looked in, he saw a cosily furnished room with a bright patchwork bedspread over the bed in which Fawnstan was sitting up. She smiled at him and Umberstan went and picked up a bundle wrapped in white, which was beside her. He brought it to Gerent.

‘Hold out your hand Lordling’ he said and Gerent did so. The bundle was placed in his hand and he could see it was a baby, so small that it fitted into his palm. Immediately he feared he would drop it and his hand shook slightly, the baby opened his big brown eyes and stared up at him.

‘His name is Brunnstan, he arrived early this morning.’ Fawnstan said tenderly, Gerent looked at her, then looked back down at the baby and smiled.

‘Hello Brunnstan,’ he repeated the name quietly, he looked at Fawnstan again, feeling oddly emotional and whispered ‘thank you’ and handed the baby back to Umberstan.

Thinking to himself that he wished he was outside, on the castle walls, he found himself there, without, he realised, a Brownie having taken him and this rather startled him. In front of him he saw Sancret, standing on his own, gazing out across the plain and watching the last of the morning mist evaporate in the watery sun that had now lost it’s warm edge in the morning. Gerent went to join him.

‘I have just been to see Fawnstan.’ Said Gerent, Sancret looked at him and smiled.

‘Ah yes,’ he said, ‘the new arrival and how is the newest member of the household?’

‘Very small, so tiny, I have never held anything so small, she’s called him Brunnstan.’

‘As I knew they would, his spirit is reborn, the ends meet as they should. It is a wonderful morning is it not? I love the morning mist as it blows away, it feels as if it is taking all the troubles of yesterday with it.’ Gerent looked out between the flapping banners and agreed there was a beauty in the view before them. As he looked out, he saw M’zera and Cam wander out into the courtyard arm in arm, her head upon his shoulder; they were lost in a world of their own. The banners fell silent, Gerent glanced at Sancret and saw that he was absorbed in watching the pair walk across the courtyard. Gerent saw a sadness cross the warlock’s face and he glanced at the couple and back to Sancret with concern. Sancret caught this look and tried to laughingly brush off the glimpse Gerent had had of his pain saying:

‘Foolish isn’t it? I am not usually so easily floored by a pretty face, but not even Bucca chameleon mail can stop feelings, but even a warlock must have his weakness I suppose!’ However, the banners did not flap again and Gerent could see that Sancret’s smile did not reach his eyes. The sound of brisk footsteps behind them announced the arrival of N’zar and they turned to greet both him and Euny, who trod much more softly.

‘Brother it is time we made plans, Madron will be fooled but a little while, he will know the castle has not faded with the mists soon enough. We need to have our plans in place before he returns for a second time and he will be stronger, will we?’

‘From what Gerent has told us’ Sancret began, sitting down on the wall,

‘Who?’ asked Euny puzzled.

‘Ah yes I forgot, Euny this is not Hugh, this is Gerent, Hugh’s brother, he has come to fulfil the prophecy. I am sorry I could not tell you before I had no way of knowing what you would tell the king or any of his advisors.’ Euny said softly ‘I see’ and biting the top lip as if hurt by this sign of mistrust by Sancret.

‘I think it is time to call all to the conference table, including some of the leaders from the refugees outside the walls, they after all will be involved in any plan we may make. They know the meeting is to take place in the main hall and should be ready to attend, Gerent as you know Lady Gytha please go to her, N’zar will you fetch Eorl Justin and ask Cam to bring Lord Farinmail, Euny will you please advise Wulfgar that the meeting is to commence.’ Sancret ordered.

‘Sure you can trust me to do that?’ Gerent heard Euny whisper while turning to do as Sancret requested.

There were thirteen sat around the large conference table, Gerent looked around at the odd mix of people, one Brownie, one bear, two women, one warlock, two captain knights, three war lords, one soldier, one servant and himself from another world entirely. It was accepted that Sancret should lead the discussions and he began by making sure that all knew each other and would keep what was disclosed in the meeting as confidential, so that there would be no chance of any plan they might make being disclosed. All present agreed to the condition and the meeting began in earnest. 

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