Carack Ch10 p2

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‘What happened Lordling?’ asked Umberstan kneeling to be level with Gerent’s head and he produced a hankie to mop the flood of blood running down Gerent’s face.

‘It was M’zera, she set me up,’ said a hopeless Gerent. He was thinking about Sancret holding the girl and knew that this meant that Sancret was not wearing the chamelian mail Gerent had thrown at him in desperation. He lay back and groaned, knowing that none of them would ever believe him again now and that he was lost.

‘I will leave the light, Lordling and go and fetch water to bathe the scratches,’ said Umberstan.

‘No, you had better just leave me, I don’t want you getting into trouble on my behalf.’

‘The Mage ordered you brought here and I obeyed him. But he did not stipulate what treatment you were to receive and so I may do as I wish. I shall be back in a moment.’ Umberstan was cheery and bowed before vanishing. Gerent lay back and looked up at the soft glowing orb above him. It reminded him of the light bulb in his room at home, he felt dizzy and sick, everything was going wrong. He closed his eyes and  didn’t know if or when Umberstan returned.

When Gerent awoke, he could still see the gentle glow of the orb bobbing above him and turning his head he saw Brunnstan sitting crossed legged on a stool beside him, reading a small brown book.

‘Hello Brunnstan,’ said Gerent, ‘I haven’t seen you for a while.’

Brunnstan’s smile was sheepish, ‘Yes well I, I’ve been in disgrace and ashamed, but it’s all clear soup now!’

‘It’s what?’

‘Clear soup er, alright, fine er, over.’

‘Oh I see, why are you here? Not being punished too are you?’ Gerent asked.

‘Not much punishment in a feather bed I’m thinking and not much punishment in being tended morning, noon and working time! Which reminds me, must go!’ Brunnstan stood up and disappeared with his book. Gerent touched his scratched cheek and then touched it again. The scratch had gone and he could not feel any sign of the injury. He sat up in surprise, still touching and prodding his cheek. He realised that he was not lying on damp straw like last time but on a comfy bed with a thick heavy cover. As he smoothed the silky surface of the coverlet he hoped the Brownies were not going to get into trouble for being so good to him. In the next instant Brunnstan reappeared holding a smiling Sancret by the hand. Gerent leant forward, wondering what was going on. He drew his knees up, closed his eyes and waited for whatever punishment Sancret was going to give him. When nothing happened and nothing was said Gerent cautiously opened his eyes to see Sancret was sat on a stool by the side of his bed, smiling at him.

‘I thought you would wake up about now,’ he said, his voice was kind and more like the Sancret Gerent had first met, ‘there was some nasty poison in those scratches M’zera gave you. I had to increase the strength of my salve. How are you feeling?’

‘I’m fine,’ said Gerent cautious still, ‘how are you?’

‘Oh, ah,’ Sancret looked down and then met Gerent’s wondering gaze, ‘a little embarrassed I suppose,’ he looked away across the cell, ‘I did not think I would be so susceptible to their influence charm. I was saved thanks to your persistence and that hauberk. I owe you an apology and my thanks.’

‘You’re alright? That’s wonderful!’ Gerent flung his arms around the Warlock and just as quickly pulled back again, ‘sorry. When did you put it on? The chameleon mail I mean.’

‘When you gave it to me. I knew what risk you were putting yourself into when you threw it at me so I thought that even if it did nothing the gesture would not have been in vain. And just as well I did, for I do not know what would have happened over that little scene she staged with you in her room. She made a mistake in her overacting to cling to me. The moment she touched me I could see what she had really done. But I wanted to play her along for the time being. As far as she is aware I am still smitten with her and you have perished in the dark of this cell from the poison that she gave you from her nails. You have been here two days by the way. No one else in the castle, apart from the Brownies, is aware of what she is, you were so close to the truth. She is Morvah, how she manages to be M’zera in form I do not know, by possesion or imitation but which?’ Sancret shrugged; ‘but it is Morvah, and she nearly beat me. I have certainly been brought down a peg or two.’

‘And Meendhu is he?’ Gerent began but the sadness that crept into Sancret’s eyes as he  shook his head told Gerent the bear was still missing.

‘I have no news of him, I have not even been able to look for him, I have been playing my role with M’zera to find out what she is up to. Evading taking her to the sawol room and the observation room has been a major feat and is pushing my acting skills somewhat. I so regret that you did not get through to me before I let him go away like that. It’s entirely my own fault, entirely. When you reminded me of how I felt when he returned with you and then gave me the very thing that kept you safe from harm I knew I had to put it on as the gift was too great to ignore. Thank goodness I was not so far gone that I still had some feeling left for Meendhu and you.’ Sancret sat up straighter, a serious expression on his face; ‘Now to business, we must keep you safe, but if I may I would like to have the mail a little longer.’ Gerent nodded, Sancret continued in a brisk manner.

‘Thank you. Then it is Brunnstan’s idea that instead of keeping you here in a windowless room you could go out on the plains among the refugees and mingle with them while I will try to discover and foil Morvah’s plans. The Brownies will keep an eye on you and let you know what’s going on, but don’t make yourself known to anyone just in case. Wampa, N’zar and Cam are not yet aware that they are once again under the influence charm, but the Brownies are now making sure that they eat, with their meals, a powder which counteracts the charm. It is too powerful to be given as one dose, it has to build up, and besides you know N’zar, if he was released from the charm quickly he would go instantly for revenge!’ Sancret laughed and Gerent felt it was good to hear him.

‘Is that agreeable to you Gerent?’ Sancret finished and as Gerent felt it would be better to be out in the fresh air and at least see something going on, it was agreed that he would stay with Lady Gytha and help her people with tending the land.

‘Now, I have been away from M’zera long enough, she will start to worry that her charm isn’t strong enough or suspect something else, Brunnstan you will take Gerent to Lady Gytha will you not?’ Brunnstan nodded and Sancret said, ‘Good, then first take me upstairs, I shall see you soon Ger. Thankyou once again and have fun amongst the farmers, oh and watch out you don’t get drafted into the army N’zar has started!’ With that he and Brunnstan were gone, but the Brownie was instantly back again to take Gerent to the Lady Gytha.

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