Chapter 19- Spill

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I lean against the railing that overlooks the chasm. It is the same railing that practically saved my life when I was attacked. Someone comes up beside me and looks out across the chasm.

“Hey.” It’s Uriah.

“Hey.” I respond.

“I’m sorry about Al. I didn’t know him as well as you did, but I know your hurting.” He says quietly.

I immediately feel self-conscious. I don’t want to look weak and hurting. I must have visibly stiffened because Uriah continues, “You know, you don’t always have to be so guarded. It’s okay to cry or show some vulnerability. He was one of your closest friends.”

“He was not my friend. He tried to kill me.” I try to say it with no emotion, but my voice catches at the end. Tears well up in my eyes, but I refuse to let them fall. I wipe my eyes and look away.

“And I’m so sorry that I let that happen to you. I should be protecting you. You’re my little sis, my little Trissy.” Uriah says.

I bristle at the nickname. I hate it with a passion. “Don’t you dare call me that again or so help me I will stab you in the eye.” I threaten under my breath.

Uriah laughs and looks back into the chasm. He seems to be thinking about something. He opens his mouth, about to share, then closes it again. He looks at his hands.

“Spill.” I say.

“Not here. Come on.” He says and grabs my arm. He leads me through twisting hallways and down dark passageways. Finally, he stops. “Tris, why did they attack you?” he asks.

“I don’t know.” I say.

“They didn’t just do it out of the blue. Why did they attack you?” he asks more persistently.

“I DON’T KNOW!” I yell. Then I break down into sobs. I hate myself for being like this, but I slump against the wall and slide down. “I don’t know.” I say quietly.

Uriah’s face softens, and he sits down beside me. “You don’t think that it could be because of your…” He begins softy.

“Divergence? Maybe. Four, he-he saved me before they killed me. He said that that might be it. Or because of the war.” I say.

            “The what?!” Uriah yells and jumps up. “Tris! Why didn’t you tell me! What war? On who?”

“Well, I don’t know, Uriah. I’m just trying to, you know, try not to get killed! I’ve been a little preoccupied lately!” I snap.

Uriah sits back down again. “Ok, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it that way. It’s just kind of a big deal to have a war.” I sigh and tell Uriah the whole story, from the beginning to the end. When I’m done, he looks dumbfounded. 

“But how will they get us to fight?” he asks.

“I don’t know.”


Again, I am overlooking the chasm. This time, I am with my transfer friends. Our shoulders sting because we all got new tattoos. We all got the Dauntless symbol. Our attempts at conversation keep petering out. It’s just not the same without Al.

At the corner of my eye, I see someone climbing the stair to the Pire. Their steps are smooth and purposeful. It could only be one person. Four.

“Hey guys, I gotta go. I have to ask Four something.” I say. Christina looks at me questioningly.

“Are you sure you should be wandering around here by yourself?” she asks skeptically.

“I won’t be. I’ll be with Four.” I say simply. Christina and Will both nod and leave for the cafeteria. I run after Four, but keep a distance from him. I don’t want to be noticed, yet. I follow him all the way to the fear landscape room. Then, without even turning around, he says,

“Since you’re here, you might as well go in with me.”

“Into your fear landscape?” I ask. I definitely wouldn’t want to let anyone into my head like that. He just nods. I walk over to him. He pulls a needle out of the box and positions it over my neck. I feel the pinch of the needle piercing my skin, but I don’t move. I’ve felt it a hundred times here in Dauntless. Then, he hands me another needle. I stand on my toes to reach his neck. Then, I plunge the needle in.

“See if you can find out why they call me Four.” Four says. The lights dim in the fear landscape room.

I look up at him. “What’s your real name?”

“See if you can figure that out, too.

Hey! This is a shorter filler chapter, but I have a better one coming soon. Can you guess what it's about? :)

Sorry for going MIA but I've been super busy. I will try to update ASAP whenever I can.

THANK YOU SO SO SO MUCH FOR ALL OF THE SUPPORT! I have had so many sweet comments from some of you guys. Thanks so much for them! They make my day! :)

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