Chapter 10- The Transfer?

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Initiation has started. All of the transfers stay in one dorm while the Dauntless-borns stay in another. I have been doing really well with initiation. Being small, I have a disadvantage, but being a Pedrad, I have an advantage.

As I walk into the training room, I look at the board for our fights. In the morning we fight time. In the afternoon I see that we have knife throwing with the transfers. Fun. Just what I need it amateurs throwing knives at me.

When I look closer at the fight diagram, I see that I am up against Uriah. I smile. This will be fun.

Lauren calls us over to the mats. “Up first is Marlene and Jewel.” She announces. Marlene fights a small girl. The fight goes by quickly with Mar being victorious.


“Next is Uriah and Tris.” I step onto the mat. So does Uri. “This will be fun, little ‘sis.” Uri taunts. I put up my arms in defense. He does the same. Slowly we shuffle in a circle watching each other. Suddenly Lynn yells out, “Come on, punch him, Tris!” with a sigh. I punch at his gut, but he is too quick. He grabs my arm turns pulling me over his shoulder. I land on the mat with a thump.

I spin around on the ground and kick Uriah’s leg out from underneath him. He crumples to the ground. I use this opportunity to jump up. So does he. We punch at each other, occasionally hitting a spot. We seem to be equal opponents. Finally, I get him in the stomach; he gets me under the jaw. I drop to the ground with exhaustion, ending the fight.

“Wow, that is the closest match I have ever seen.” Lauren says. She turns and yells “10 minute break!” to whoever is listening. Uriah helps me up from the mat. He puts his arm around my shoulder, and I wince. I landed hard on my shoulder earlier. He just laughs.

“Ha ha! I beat you! Hee hee! You lost.” He said. Uri dances around me singing "I'm undefeated!! I'm undefeated! !" I jabbed him in the side. All of the sudden, he sprinted towards the chasm. I followed close behind wanting to avenge my lost battle. He ruined by undefeated streak.

Just before we arrived, I heard a scream. I stopped dead in my tracks.

So did Uri.

Then all at once, we ran towards the chasm. I group of people gathered around the side. Uriah began to push past everyone with me clinging to him. We made it the front and saw Eric standing over the Candor transfer girl. She was dangling over the chasm. Eric was saying something about cowardice.He’s one to talk. I thought.

Apparently hanging the girl over the chasm was some kind of punishment. Once Eric said “time,” I didn’t think, I just ran over to the edge and grabbed the girl’s arm. Uri followed me. We pull her over the side and she collapses. Everyone slowly trickles away while Uri and I help the girl.

 “Thanks.” She says. “My name’s Christina.”

 “Tris.” I say back. “And this is my brother Uriah.” We stand up and walk her back to the transfer gym. I see Four and walk straight over to him.

“That girl, Christina, got hung over the chasm! By Eric! Why?! Because she stopped the fight before she was knocked out! This is ridiculous!” I yelled, boiling in anger. He just stood there. “It was an act of cowardice.” He said simply, with no emotion in his voice. “You know what? It’s an act of cowardice to bully people because you are stronger than them. It’s an act of cowardice to stand by when someone needs protection. You should know, Transfer.” I spit out. The last sentence rattled him. Before he could react to my statement, I spun on my heel and strode out of the gym, Uriah straggling in my wake.
Hey Amazing Readers! So I typed this really long thing and it didn't save, so I had to redo it. That's why it took so long. Have a good day! :D

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