Chapter 18- Not Al.

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It is dark in the dormitory. Everyone is asleep. I can't. I can't stop thinking about the fear simulations. Stage 2 is almost over. I decide to get up and get a drink. I lurk in the shadows even though the only people out right now are drunk.

When I get to the water fountain, I pull my dark hair to one side. The cold water is about to touch my lips when I hear voices.

"You know what your top priority is. That's why I placed you here." A voice says. It sounds strangely familiar, but not real.  It's sounds like a voice from a dream.

"Of course." I do recognize that voice. I hear it every time the leaders report about our faction. Eric.

"Your main priority is to hunt the Divergent." The woman says.

I can barely contain a gasp. Divergent- that's me, Uriah, and maybe Four. I lean around the corner, trusting the shadows to conceal me. I have to know who is hunting me. I barely catch a glimpse of a blond woman in blue before a hand covers my mouth.

I scream, but the hand muffles it. Someone is tying itchy fabric around my eyes, and yet another is shoving me from behind. 3 on 1! How is this fair. I throw an elbow as hard as I can and knock someone loose, but another pair of hands replaces them.

I know this compound better than the back of my hand (which is saying something because we have had some really boring faction meetings), and I know where we are going. The chasm.

I kick as hard as I can and let out a scream, but I cannot fight 3 on 1, especially since they already have a good hold on me. I try to figure out who my captures are.

"Get her over here." The voice is high and clear. Peter. I take a deep breath through my nose, and the smell of sage and lemongrass floods my nose. I go weak for a second. Al. Al is pushing me against the railing of the chasm.  Al is trying to kill me. My spine is pressing against the railing by the chasm. I use all of my energy and kick someone in the knee hard. They let go, and I fall, hitting my head on the railing. My mind goes fuzzy, and I see spots. I wipe my face and push the blindfold off of my eyes. Someone, Peter, grabs me and shoves me over the railing. I am completely at the mercy of him as he dangles me over the chasm. I scream again.

Suddenly I hear a thump and the hold on me is released. I fall, and my armpits catch the railing. Mist sprays my ankles. I am dizzy and can't think. I hear a scream and some more thumping. Finally I make out figures. Someone, I think his name is Drew, is on the ground. Four is kicking him.

"Four." I croak, my voice scratchy. He immediately stops and pulls me off of the railing. My mind blacks.

The only thing I remember after the attack is a single image. It is ink curling around a neck and the simple swaying so I know that I was being carried.


I wake up to the words "Fear God Alone" painted on a wall. Out of my peripheral vision I see movement. I painfully turn my head and see Four washing his hands in the sink. The water is pink. Once the water runs clean, he dries his hands with a towel and goes to the freezer. He grabs an ice pack and makes his way towards me. I think about pretending to be asleep, but it is too late. We have already made eye contact.

"How are you feeling?" He asks and hands me an icepack. I just shrug and put the icepack to my head where is lump is steadily getting larger. 

"Your hands." I croak. I reach out and touch the newly forming scabs.

"My hands are none of your concern." He says sternly and takes the icepack from my hand and puts it to my lump himself.

"Why?" I whisper, "Why Al?" With that I sob erupts from my body. As soon as a tear comes out, I regret it. I cannot look weak in front of Four. I must be the strong person he expects me to be.

If I Was Dauntless BornHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin