Chapter 11

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I turned round and eyed Hans warily. Why did he give me a note? He noticed me looking confused and mimed turning the paper over and writing on it. I face-palmed. I quickly wrote on the back:

I'm Elsa

It looked a bit bland so I added a smiley face. It now said,

I'm Elsa :D

I decided to put a question to keep the conversation going.

I'm Elsa :D

What season did you write about?

Why is it so hard to write a simple note?? My poem was easier than this! Maybe the teacher should just give us the extremely difficult task of passing a note to a really hot guy!!

I hesitated, then passed it back. He took it, got a new scrap of paper and wrote on it; before passing it to me.

It read:

Hi Elsa!!

I'm doing Autumn, I love all the colours on the leaves and the trees, they remind me of the sunset 🌅

I immediately started to relax. I was just about to send a reply when the bell rang, signalling the end of the day. I sighed.

Everyone started to pack away their things; I gathered my pen and books and stuffed them neatly into my bag. I felt a tap on my shoulder.

I twirled around. It was that Hans guy. "Hi, Elsa," he smiled.

"Hi," I replied. "How are you?"

Hey look, I know, that's the worst thing to say I'm the middle of a chat but I had to say something!

His grin widened. "Very good, how about you?"

"Good, thanks."

"Hey, umm, maybe you can give me a call sometime? Here's my number, you don't have to call me but..."

I cut him off. "I'd love to." I smiled.

Wow, I actually spoke some words without being embarrassed! Personal achievement!

His grin stretched out even further, if that was even possible. I took the number and put it in my pocket. "See you around!" I called, walking towards the door, but not before seeing Hans clap his hands in triumph.

I met up with Anna in the hallways, who was looking pretty concerned. "Look, I'm really sorry sis, I didn't mean to I ju-" I cut her off with a hug. She was really tense but loosened up when I put my arms around her.

"It's fine, come on, let's go home."

#&#At the House#&#

I sat at the kitchen table, sighing over my homework. Why the hell do I need to know about face transplants?? It's not like I'm going to perform one on myself!!!

A few minutes later I set down my pen, finished. I walked over to the cupboard and got out a chocolate cookie. Mother and Papa have this rule: you can only take a cookie from the cookie jar if you have finished your schoolwork. Which is basically murder, especially as we have to do homework in front of it.

That reminds me: where are my parents? They're usually home from work before we finish school! Well... at least I can have an extra cookie!

Yay yay yay yay yay yay yay


So anyway, I went upstairs and logged onto my laptop, and went onto my kindle section. I was currently rereading Harry Potter, my favorite character is either Hermione or Snape. So I was reading when I heard a ping. My email.

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