Chapter 1 [Edited]

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Elsa's POV

I know it's going to go wrong. Like all the times before. Countless memories that are too horrible to be relived. Not that I'd want to.

It's high school, for goodness sake. When does anything go right? Constant bullying, alcohol, PDA. The stream of stress, work and friendship. Relationships.

Middle school was bad enough. I mean, if you were in my situation, I doubt you could survived. I've been through worse.

It all started when Matt started, let's say, expressing his feelings for me. Matt was that kind of arrogant jock who thought he ruled the school, the ring leader of his football gang.

Now I have to admit one thing: Matt was hot. Smoking, even. With floppy light brown hair that covered his deep forest green eyes, and a spectacular body from his time in the gym, no wonder the prissy princesses flipped.

When Matt stood up on the lunch table and yelled, 'I love Elsa' to the world, the chaos started. It was just mean words at first. Ignoring judging comments was normality in my life.

It was when things got physical that I started to crack. Punches thrown, sharp 5 inch heels in my face, a rainbow of bruises tattooed across my skin, I couldn't plug my earphones in to shut out the pain this time.

My only consolation was my sister, Anna. She was the one who walked me down the corridors. She was the one who sassed the girls back, giving them the taste of blood in their mouths while she's at it.

That was middle school. God knows what this is going to be like..


I woke up with a jolt. Anna, my crazy sister from before, was calling me from downstairs. "Elsa! Mum and Dad said that you won't get a muffin if you don't come down now," she screamed.

I sat up abruptly and rubbed my eyes. "Whatever," I groaned, forcing myself to roll on the floor.

"Ow," I stood up and brushed off my pyjamas.

I flicked my long platinum blonde hair over my shoulder as I walked over to my wardrobe.

"Shorts? No. Dress? No thanks. Ah, perfect!" I picked up some jeans and a blue sweater, and laid them on my bed.

Quickly, I raced into the bathroom and turned on the shower, allowing to warm up a little while I put my hair up and out of the way. I stripped and hopped in, cleansing and rinsing, before jumping out and wrapping a towel around myself.

All the makeup I applied was some lilac eyeshadow and some lip balm. I grabbed a brush and started attacking my hair, eventually pulling into a french braid that framed my face.

Hopping into some ankle high boots, I hurried downstairs whilst attaching my earrings.

"Give me a muffin!" I huffed playfully as Anna put a whole one in her mouth at once.

"Yeah, I don't want to," she laughed, and then gasped as I snatched a big one right out of her hand.

Anna whined as I giggled and scoffed it down.

I felt a hand on my shoulder, I looked up to see Mama and Papa smiling down on us.

"You better get going," Mama said softly, hugging Anna and I.

Papa nodded. "You don't want to be late for your first day,"

I nodded and swallowed, rising from my chair and taking the satchel that Mama passed to me. It was white leather with baby blue stars.

Anna took hers; a mint green with millions of tiny white dots.

Anna glanced at me as we left the kitchen.

"Are you ready?" She murmured, giving me the look of reassurance that helps me up when I fall.

I hesitated, before replying with a swift nod.

Anna looked at me in worry, before opening the door and stepping into the golden glow of the autumn air.

After staring after her for a few seconds, I bounded out next to her, slamming the door behind me.


It was around a 15 minute walk to the school, and as we rounded into the block we were caught by the swarm of students struggling to get in.

There was a lot of pushing and shoving involved, I secretly think that Anna was enjoying inconspicuously treading on people's toes.

By the time we reached the doors, I had had enough already. Anna pressed closer to my side, to comfort me, I guess.

But nothing could soothe me of this.

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