Chapter 13

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I clutched my chest. No. This wasn't possible. Utterly absurd. It was happening.

I grabbed my phone and typed Rapunzel's phone number in, which I got from the blog. To my surprise, it didn't even ring, she had picked it up already.

"Tell me everything." We said together. "Cousin."

Anna POV

I went outside my bedroom, I was super bored. I felt the sudden urge to sing, I don't know why, my mind functions in a different way to everyone else.

The window is open, so's that door
I didn't know they did that anymore

I threw open the windows all along the corridor and ran into the kitchen.

Who knew we owned eight thousand salad plates?

I ran past all the china knowing I would break it.

For years I've roamed these empty halls

I ran up the stairs.

Why have a ballroom with no balls?

I slid back down the banister.

Finally they're opening up the gates
There'll be actual real live people

I came across a suit of armour and shook its arm.

It'll be totally strange

The arm fell off and and I hastily put the arm in the socket. I ran outside.

But wow, am I so ready for this change!

I climbed on my old swing set and swung standing up.

'Cause for the first time in forever
There'll be music, there'll be light
For the first time in forever
I'll be dancing through the night

I got off and ran towards the gardens.

Don't know if I'm elated or gassy

I starting skipping.

But I'm somewhere in that zone

I saw some ducklings and headed towards them.

'Cause for the first time in forever
I won't be alone

I picked up 3 of them.

Guess what little ones! I met... The One!

I scurried back into the house.

Tonight imagine me gown and all
Fetchingly draped against the wall

I wrapped myself in the curtains.

The picture of sophisticated grace

I found the cord and swung it round.

I suddenly see him standing there

I unwrap myself and start singing to a wooden man.

A beautiful stranger, tall and fair

I fan myself.

I wanna stuff some chocolate in my face

I grab some candies and gobble them up.

But then we laugh and talk all evening,
Which is totally bizarre
Nothing like the life I've led so far

I picked up the head and spun it round, then lost control of it. It flew into Mama's cake. I went into the hallway, where there were lots of paintings.

For the first time in forever
There'll be magic, there'll be fun
For the first time in forever
I've been noticed by someone
And I know it is totally crazy
That at last I've found romance
But for the first time in forever
I've finally got my chance

I went up to each painting and pretended to be the female in each one. I ran out onto the street.

For the first time in forever
I'm getting what I'm dreaming of
A chance to change my lonely world
A chance to find true love
I know it doesn't end tomorrow,
But it still has to be today
'Cause for the first time in forever
For the first time in forever
Nothing's in my way!

I bump into a random German Shepherd dog.

"Ow," I muttered.

"Sven! SVEN! What HAVE you done now!" Oh my days, it was Kristoff! 'Sven' looked up at Kristoff with big eyes. "Aw buddy, I can't stay mad at you. Oh hey Anna, didn't see you there!" I smiled and waved.

"Hey Kristoff. I'm kind of on the ground at the moment, and your dog is sitting on me." He made an 'O' shape with his mouth and dragged Sven off of me. He grabbed my hand and pulled me up.

"Hey, was that you singing back there?" He asked in his gruff tone.

I nodded. "Yeah it was."

He scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. Sven licked his shoe. "Um, sorry, this might seem like a personal question, but I heard you singing about your true love. Um, sorry but, WHO WAS IT?" He said the last bit rather loud, and it took a lot of willpower not to step back.

Think, Anna, think.

"Er, it's just the lyrics, nothing else would rhyme right." I smiled inwardly. That's a good excuse.

"Anna." Kristoff said quietly.


"Love doesn't rhyme with any of the other lyrics." Oh. Oops.

I looked at my empty wrist. "Oh, look at the time, gotta go!" I took off towards the house sprinting, just remembering to turn back and wave goodbye. Kristoff was looking rather confused, and Sven had his head tilted. I closed the door and sighed.

Why am I so awkward?

Elsa POV.

Silence. That's all I heard. We had listened to each others stories, and I was lost for words. That's when the screaming started.

A/N wait what 2 chapters in a row woah guys you better appreciate this dam nit.


Okay just saying.

Dam nit is a thing. I was talking to my girl Tigs when I said "Damnit" and I thought. That's so stupid, you don't say the n in damn, you just say dam (we have a dam hole) so I thought, okay, I'll place the n in front of it and Voila, we have Dam Nit. Yeah I'm weird.


Please keep commenting amazing things. I love y'all. You are my muffins and I want to ea- hug all of you because your amazing. 🍴

I shall see you soon muffins.... or not- MWAHAHAHA

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