Chapter 2

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Anna's POV

Kids milled around the corridors. Elsa tensed beside me. I knew school was a hard time for her. I took her hand and squeezed it. She looked at me gratefully. We started walking. I could feel the hot stares of people as they noticed the two new girls. I could hear whispers, mostly about Elsa: Who's she?  Look at her hair, I bet she bleached it!  She looks like Jack!  Fake!

Then a shout came out, "Strawberry ice cream!" The halls burst out in laughter. I looked at the boy who called the name. He had bright blue eyes and silvery white hair. He was standing with four boys, one had brown hair and green eyes, one had brown hair and brown eyes, another had blond hair with a dark blue beanie, and the last had ginger hair with sideburns.

"Why are they calling us that?" I asked Elsa. She glanced at me.

"I think its the hair," she whispered. I glanced at my strawberry blond hair.

"Oh," I muttered. I glanced at the white hair boy. He was starting a chant. I marched over to him and punched him. He froze in shock.

"What was that for princess?" The hot ginger asked.

"Number 1, don't call me princess. Number 2, your name is now Gingernut." Gingernut looked confused.

"My name is Hans." Anna rolled her eyes.

"Whatever. Now you," she said, pointing to white hair, "You back off my sister, okay!" He laughed meanly.

"And why should I do that?"

"Anna, don't!" Elsa muttered. I ignored her. At the time I didn't know what she meant. Now I wish I had shut my mouth.

"Elsa's had straight A's since forever!" I argued. Jack burst out laughing.

"Oh no, the little nerd has her own bodyguard! What a freak!" Elsa grabbed my arm and muttered,

"Let it go Anna."


"Lets go!"

Elsa's POV

I told Anna to shut her face. I told her to be quiet. Today was my chance to change. Now everyone in the school knows I'm a nerd, I'm a geek, I'm a freak. I dragged Anna to the reception, where we got our schedule and locker number. I gazed at my schedule. First I had music. I sighed and headed to class.


I entered the class and everyone stared at me and sniggered. I turned tomato red and sat next to a frizzy redhead. 

(A/N I will not be trying Merida's scottish accent. I will fail.) "Hey," she greeted. "Are you new here?" I nodded. "I heard what Jack did to you. Once you get to know him, he's nice, but sometimes his popularity gets the better of him." 

"Who's that?" I asked, pointing to the girl who just entered the room. She had brown hair in a pixie bob, and brilliant green eyes.

"That's Punzie, or Rapunzel." She looked like she was gonna say something else, but the teacher came in.

"Hello class my name is Mrs Ocean but you can call me Ariel," she smiled. "As you all know our tradition here is to sing a song every new year. Do we have any new students?" I raised my hand. "You will be singing last. Okay?"

"Okay." (A/N see what I did there?!) 

"Punzie you go first." Ariel said.

"What am I gonna sing?!" Merida panickly whispered. I whispered something into her ear. "Good idea!" she grinned.

Punzie was gonna sing her own song called When Will My Life Begin


7 AM, the usual morning lineup:

Start on the chores and sweep 'til the floor's all clean

Polish and wax, do laundry, and mop and shine up

Sweep again, and by then it's like 7:15.

And so I'll read a book

Or maybe two or three

I'll add a few new paintings to my gallery

I'll play guitar and knit

And cook and basically

Just wonder when will my life begin?

Then after lunch it's puzzles and darts and baking

Paper mache, a bit of ballet and chess

Pottery and ventriloquy, candle making

Then I'll stretch, maybe sketch, take a climb,

Sew a dress!

And I'll reread the books

If I have time to spare

I'll paint the walls some more,

I'm sure there's room somewhere.

And then I'll brush and brush,

and brush and brush my hair

Stuck in the same place I've always been.

And I'll keep wonderin' and wonderin'

And wonderin' and wonderin'

When will my life begin?

And tomorrow night,

Lights will appear

Just like they do on my birthday each year.

What is it like

Out there where they glow?

Now that I'm older,

Mother might just

Let me go ...

Everyone clapped hard. I have to admit, she was a good singer.


A/N So yes. Elsa has met 3/4 of the big 4! Well she has seen Punzie and was insulted by Jack, but its a start! She and Mer are buddies now so thats cool. Now Hiccup. I'm stuck. Mericcup or Hiccstrid?

Merricup -->

Hiccstrid -->

Also  67 views! It might seem small but I've only written 1 chapter! (Well two now but you know what I mean. )

Also is there a cure for Nyan Cat sickness. I can't stop watching dat cute little poptart pooping rainbows.

Anyway bye my awesome.. umm... poptarts!


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