Chapter 9

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Elsa POV

I stood there on shock. Jack's words washed over me. Wh-what the heck did I do?? Why was everyone staring at me like I was a demon from hell? Why did Jack have a really tasty cookie in his bag?

I backed up into some girls, big mistake. They grabbed me and held me fast. First time I've ever seen a group of bodyguards in sparkly clothes and thick makeup.

Jack strode up to me and spat in my face. "Ever since you got here, my life has been a living hell. My best friend starts talking to a nerd. Your fault. My other best friend actually makes friends with a nerd. Your fault. I actually get beaten in music. Your fault. And, last and definitely not least, my girlfriend snogs one of my best mates, and you know what? Your fault. If you didn't exist, Merida wouldn't stop me being late to lunch talking about you, if I wasn't late I could have took Rapunzel away from that-" Jack sharply turned his head towards Flynn, "-and I wouldn't have to do this. But Rapunzel, we're over!"

Punzie looked horrified. She froze, body still pressed against Flynn. "Jack-"

"Get out of my sight!" Jack growled, twisting his head back towards me. I tried to struggle and run, but the fangirls held me fast.

I briefly saw Punzie fleeing through the crowd, crystal tears streaming down her soft cheeks.

I whimpered, realizing what Jack was going to do once I saw him clenching his fist.

I barely had time to process what was happening when his cold fist collided with my face. My face was wrenched back, and it took all my will not to howl in pain.

I felt vibrations as his knee came into contact with my stomach, and the pain was unbearable.

Conceal, don't feel. My father's voice sprung into my mind, and I was able to hold in the tears.

He kept punching and kicking me until I felt my legs give way underneath me, and I collapsed onto the ground. I stared up at him, and met his matching sapphire gaze.

"You sunk low."

And then I fainted.

Jelsa - A high school tale [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now