Chapter 17

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"Me too!" A voice came from the hall, it was Mama (lel I tricked you). Her and Papa went upstairs.

"WHAT?!" Jack screeched like a banshee. Punzie and Anna were rolling on the floor with laughter.

"Yeah, I want to kiss you, I want to marry you, heck I even want to raise a family with you!"

Tears were now steaming down Punzie's and Anna's faces.

"Are you drunk?" Jack queried.

"Heck no!" I giggled, winking at the girls.

"Yep, you're drunk. I'm coming over. DO NOT MOVE." He hung up.

Anna and Rapunzel had stopped laughing. Their mouths were hanging open.

"He wants to 'help' you?" Anna blinked.

Rapunzel suddenly squealed. "WE SHOULD HIDE AND THEN SCARE HIM!!" She screamed.
Me and Anna nodded eagerly.

The plan was: Rapunzel would hide inside the door, and creak it open when Jack walked in. Anna would then flicker all the lights before turning them off completely. We would then group together and freak the hell out of him!

Gravel crunching came from the drive.

"Positions!" I whispered. Rapunzel sneaked behind the door, Anna went beside the mains and I hid under the couch.


Punzie slowly opened the door, making it creak slightly. None of us could see him, so we couldn't see his expression.

Anna started flickering the lights, slow at first, getting faster and faster until she blacked the house out completely. I silently ran to Anna, as did Rapunzel. We could see the distinctive shape of Jack.

"1," I breathed.



Anna slammed the button and as all the lights came on, we jumped out and shouted "BOO!"

However, he wasn't the only one screaming. With him were two guys, with freaky doll masks on. He was wearing one too. We started screaming at the masks, and they started screaming because we scared them.

The screams turned into laughter though. "Why did you come?" Questioned Anna.

"Well when we got Elsa's call, we couldn't miss an opportunity to prank you. Except.. you kind of had the same idea," Jack laughed.

"So who are these two knuckleheads?" Punzie asked.
Anna pulled off the left guys mask. "Kristoff?" She squealed, and then composed herself. "Hello. Would you like a sandwich?" Kristoff smiled and they walked into the kitchen.

Punzie whipped the other mask off. "Flynn," she spat. Literally, in his face. Flynn smirked. This was not a good move. Punzie started screaming and attempting to punch him.

While this show was happening, Jack turned to look at me. "We need to talk,"

I glanced at him. "No," I started pushing him out the door.




Once all the boys and Punzie were gone I walked up the stairs and into my bedroom. I quickly got changed into my comfy pjs and curled up on my bed with my laptop. I switched on Netflix and continued watching PLL. I swear it's my life.

After watching it for an hour I put my laptop on charge, turned off the lights and fell asleep after a long think.


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