(Springtrap and Deliah) Springtrap X Reader

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Romantic Plot

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"So, I sent you my phone number. If you need anything, you can give me a call," Nick told you as he gathered his luggage and bags.

"Right. If it's something serious, I'll make sure to call the police first," you replied, nodding.

"Let's hope you won't need to," he mumbled.

You were contacted to babysit his kid--Deliah--while he went on a "family emergency" trip. You were a full-time babysitter, and loved children, so you obviously agreed.

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"Alright, Springtrap, you can't be seen, so stay here," Deliah said, pushing him to the closet.

"What? You can't just leave me in there the whole time! It's going to be days until Nick's back. Why do you even need a babysitter? I'm here," Springtrap argued.

"I know! I don't know why he would get me one!" she ranted, waving her hands.

"He doesn't trust me, that's why."

"I don't know why that is, though."

"Look, I can't stay in this closet the whole time. I can just avoid the babysitter. You know how good I can sneak around, so I'll just leave a room before they enter it," Springtrap suggested.

". . . I know it'd end up that way, because you always somehow get your way, so I'm going to save myself the trouble and say 'sure,' " Deliah grunted, folding her arms.

"Deliah! I'm gonna be leaving very soon! Why don't you come in here and say 'hi'?" Nick called for her.


Springtrap followed Deliah as she walked through the halls. He stopped shortly before she got into the living room. When she saw you, she looked down at the floor.

"This is Deliah."

"Heya, kiddo! I'm (Y/N). I'll be staying here while your dad's away," you happily introduced yourself, smiling at her.

"Yeah, I know," she mumbled, not looking up at you.

"Deliah, now make sure you behave for her, okay?"


Nick sighed as he picked up his stuff. "I'll be back in a few days, sweetie. Love you."

"Love you too."

You waved to Nick as he left. When he was gone, you looked back to Deliah. Her eyebrows were furrowed, and she still refused to look at you.

"Hey, you probably feel embarrassed about your dad getting a babysitter for you--because who's 14 and needs a babysitter?--don't you?"

"Yeah, I do. Thanks," Deliah grunted sarcastically, crossing her arms.

"But I can understand. I was 14 once too, and my parents didn't want me to be left alone when they had to go somewhere far away," you continued, kneeling down to be below eye level. "I won't tell any of your friends about this, if you want this to be a secret. And really, if you think about it, I'm not exactly a 'babysitter.' Think of me as your guard for a few days. My goal is to protect you, and make sure you're comfortable while your dad's gone."

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