The Duties of his Personal Maid

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Kira was warm curled up under her sheets. They were pulled back, and she whined at the kids of heat. However, she'd gotten up and dressed earlier being sure to wear the right uniform, and laid down carefully as to not wrinkle it.

Ozul would admit he was impressed that she was dressed. He was also impressed at her ability to sleep through him breaking her door in. Literally. He'd broken the door. She now has a curtain over it, or she would. He'd normally be irritable, but he found himself wanting to play today.

" Time to get up Kitty. " He teased lightly standing back against the wall near the bed with his arms crossed. " I broke the door in just to drag you out. " He chuckled softly. " At any rate, wake on up, grab shoes, and I'll take you to the king. Better hurry~ he doesn't like waiting. "

Kira huffed and she stretched in her specific cat like manner. She let her head kay to the side, and rolled out of bed. " I'm ready .. shoes are for the dogs. " She said without realizing the implication. " Oh!" Her eyes widened a little. " I mean.. it's a saying from my village. We don't normally wear shoes..."

He watched her. Not judging, but purposely not smiling to fuck with her. " If your sure. " He let the smirk creep into his features. Kane liked knee highs. Ozul made sure to include them in her uniform on ourpose. " Come then.. lets go. I have chores myself. " He fixed a stray strand of hair falling in her face.

Kira nodded, and let him lead her down to the throne room. She watched the halls as they passed them. This palace was huge. She didn't know how she was going to memorize this. It was all to much. " Ack " she bumped into Ozul's back, and backed up a touch. She looked up, and saw him curiously watching something in the room to her left. She blinked a few times trying to be patient. She tried hard not to let the curiousity get the better of her. Kira started to do a little dance on the tips of her toes waiting on him to instruct her.

Finally the tension was simply to much for the girl. She whined softly gaining his attention for a moment. He jerked his head towards the door silently, and continued to watch.

Kira ducked below him, and her eyes went wide as she looked into the throne room. Kane was asleep, leaning on the arm of his throne. His resting face was peacful, and soft. He looked so young, carefree. It was adorable. It also made her want to mess with him. " That is adorable, but what if someone messed with him?" She teased playfully.

Ozul snickered. " That would be amazing. If your quiet enough you could. Good luck though. Go on, go in, but don't wake him. Just stand there, and he'll be with you soon. "

She nodded, and quietly walked on into the room. Kira stood there for a short time as the door clicked behind her. She glanced back at it. Ozul must have closed it. She waited as he said, but the idea of messing with him kept creeping into her mind.

Her sensitive ears twitched. She glanced at Kane again. Oh no! " That is adorable...." She whispered. He was sleep talking. She inched closer and closer until she began to hear him more clearly. She was so close to his face that he could lean forward and catch her in a kiss of she wasn't careful. She gently brushed a strand of his hair over away from his nose. The poor thing was exhausted. He'd stayed up late last night working. Why wouldn't he be tired? She smiled a little as she watched him, and leaned in just a touch more. His breathing was steady, and she was sure he was asleep. Maybe she should just let him stay asleep? He surely needed it.

Kira's hair had fallen over her shoulder, and brushed against his hand. Kane woke up the instant it had, bit he didn't react. Instead he simply waited to see how she would react being so close to him. What she would do. She took him by surprise as she brushed his hair away from his face so it wouldn't tickle his nose. He watched her through his lashes making sure to keep a steady breath. Her smile melted his heart a touch. But only just a touch. He was pleased that he could have someone so close without feeling revolt for then for once. Confused as to why it was a cat. The races kept to themselves. They didn't intermingle. Especially Kitsune. The foxes had never considered it once. But, this feeling was different.

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