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Devany stirred with heat in the pity of her stomach. She whined, and wiggled around. A weight laid across her waist, keeping her firmly in place. She whined, and looked down under the blanket. Her eyes traced an arm around her waist all the way to it's body. Ozul. He looked peacful. However he was also dangerous, and she knew that. Very well.

She had a choice to make. One that would possibly effect her entire life. Then again, she'd really already mad with hadn't she? Her choice to come into the castle was her own. She followed the scent of honey and pears.  It lead her straight to the place she needed to be, and the person she needed to meet.

Who knew?

Ozul watched her quietly as she struggled internally. He wondered what she was doing. He could smell her heat fixing to kick into over drive if he didn't step in. That was dangerous. Yet she looked peacful, contemplating something maybe? " Beautiful, what are you doing?" He asked. 

His morning voice was sleepy, gruff, and low. It sent chills straight through her entire body in the best way. She glanced over at him, and then away again. " Thinking about important things. " She simply answered.

" What kind of things? Heat things I'm assuming?" He asked lazily. His tone wasn't helping her mind. She could hear the want, the smirk... Just that told her how much he was holding back. For her sake?

" That is one thing. Another, I want to see Kira. And, I was wondering why I followed the smell I did when I came here. Granted I believe I know, but I'm afraid to accept it or even bring it up. I don't know how you'd react to it. Much less deal with it. " She sighed a little.

Her sadness seeped from her. Her scent reflected it. He instantly wanted to comfort her, so he pulled her close. Ozul showed her absolutely zero signs that he would reject her. He wouldn't. He was against the work as it was. With it when need be. Kane and he were the same. Skeptical, sly, brave, courageous, but extremely fragile. They didn't belong in this life style, but they adapted. It was hard enough being royalty and second in command to a king. Rejecting their mates would kill them. It would break them. Just like it broke Vaughnhurst to be away from his. Ozul's mind had been misted in thought. His dreams had been filled with the two girls story.

He snapped out of it when he heard her clear her throat fixing to say something he felt the need to stop. " I would never reject you. " He whispered. A delicate promise he would forever keep.

Devany froze. She'd been about to tell him to ignore her rambles. But, he just flat out, straight forward, just accepted their bond. An unbreakable promise of eternal love. Something not Evey person got to experience in their current life time. She cast a teary glance at him. " Promise?" She asked in disbelief.

" Forever. " He whispered gently against her cheek, sealing it with a soft peck. He smiled lightly, waiting on her response.

A brilliant cherry red blush sat on Devany's cheeks. She didn't know what to say. She was so shy and awkward in front of men. Kira had saved her countless times from horny old pervs. And she her. Sometimes while the deed was being done. Luckily it never got far enough to cause scares. But now.. Devany, was officially promised to and taken by a handsome light haired fox. Devilish didn't describe his charms. " If your my mate I feel sorry for Kira... " She said with a strong feeling. " If she's letting him help her through her heat...  He isn't just special."

" Same internal clock? " He asked with a slight chuckle.

She nodded. " Sometimes handy. "

" Yeah, it means Kane and I get a vacation at the same time. " He snickered. Devany cracked a smile, and giggled. She was breaking out in cold sweat, and it wasn't unnoticed by Ozul.  " Don't hide it from me beautiful. It's much more fun when you can remember it. " His voice was sly and smoldering.

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