The King's Lost Records

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Ozul made it past Kane's room to hear Kira and Kane loudly shouting something he couldn't make out. He shooed away the guards and maids lingering around his door. Of course it wasn't their faults. Kira's heat was to blame. She had a very strong, and honestly attractive scent. Kane certainly seemed to adore it.

He continued on his way to the archives under the library. His keys jingled in his pocket as he walked, and he hummed a soft upbeat tune as he went. His attention however, was elsewhere. He was being followed, and he knew it. Maybe it was Kira's lingering scent on his clothing? Hmmm... Either way he would deal with it behind closed and locked doors. Quietly. Secretly.

He unlocked the door, and slipped inside quietly. Whoever was following him was silent as they entered closely after him. To his surprise the person didn't have a scent.

"Color me impressed"  The thought drifted through his mind causing him to smile. He searched through books, and archives. Laid specific ones down onto the dimly lit table in the middle of the room. He heard a shuffle, and a muffled curse come from a far corner. A few scrolls tumbled down off of the shelves. " Ahh.. I think you slipped. "

He heard a light growl, and chuckled. " Playing big bad wolf won't get you anywhere. Fighting with me won't either. " He hummed as he easily glided to the door, and locked it. " Honestly if you don't come over, come down, and talk to me, I'm going to lock you in this room for a while until I get the castle guards. " Ozul said quietly. He was just being honest.

" I.. " the voice sighed softly. " I can't stay in here. I can't be here for long. " The girl said.

" So I'm dealing with a female. Now we're getting somewhere. " Ozul went, and sat at the table. " Well... You'd better give me a good reason you can't. Breaking into the castle wasn't a smart move. " His clawed fingers drummed against the table top.

He heard a slight shuffle, and from the corner of his eye near the door he saw a feminine figure approach the door. Probably to check if she could get out. Surely she wasn't that stupid? " You just watched me lock it. " He said softly.

" Just... Checking. " She panted out softly. " I'm sorry Sir for the mess I caused. I slipped. I can't believe I made a rookie mistake. She was right, I'm so damn clumsy. " She muttered. " But, it's better that's it locked. "

" It's supposed to be every time someone enters or exits. I gave you time to get in. " He gestured to a seat across from him.

Slowly the girl approached him. She couldn't be much older than himself, or even Kira. This was odd. She was dresses as an assassin, but didn't seem the type. Looks could fool though. Then Ozul froze. Black clothing. Tattered. A skinny tail that limply hung by her waist. Almost as if she was struggling.. " Remove your head gear Love. " He semi demanded.

The girl's eyes shot over to him. They were a neon blue. Lighter than Kira's... But resembling them. " Why should I predator?" She spat.

" Remove the head gear, or tell me why you can't stay in this room for long. " He said leaning back in his chair a bit.

" I... I meant in the castle. And this region. I have to find my friend and leave. " She sat down, almost instantly regretting it. Her tired body wanted to give out. Days without sleep, a broken tail, broken rib, and tattered clothes.

" Well, you won't get far like this. " He gestured to all of her.

The girl scoffed. " Just as arrogant as the rest... Barbaric kitsune... "

" Now now, what did we do to you Miss?" He asked hoping to slowly gather Intel.

" Nice try. " She huffed.

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