Helping People & Spa Week

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It had been a few days since Kira's heat had stopped now. She didn't forget her promise to Kane. It was constantly on her mind. She promised to help him gain an heir, someone to spoil, someone to love. A family. He explained to her fully how she was a candidate for marriage and that with a few blood tests, it could be traced. Not to mention her father had written proof of her birth and her sister's birth. They were the same age, same litter, and shared remarkable features. They favored Vaughnhurst's old portraits in the archives as well.

She remembered her other promise as well. The advisor had asked that she help with the planning phases to help quell the people. Kane had taken her to see a doctor in the castle earlier that morning, and she was cleared of her heat officially. He gave her permission to go with his supervision to help. After all, Vany was still in heat, and Ozul was taking care of that.

Kira had been shocked when she learned that her best friend was, in fact, her sister. More so when she heard her sister was in heat, and with Ozul. Who was apparantly her mate.

Mate... she wanted to feel that bond. She desperately hoped the man who set her body on fire was her mate. Kira would be more than happy if Kane was her true mate. There really was only one way to tell. For the time being, Kira would save it for when they were alone.

She had people to help.

Kane walked with her hand in hand down the hall. Maids watched with jealousy, butler, and servants as well. Yet they also watched with curiosity. She reminded them so much of the late king. For good reason. She was a Vaughnhurst.

He felt proud and guilty to have her. Her father haunted him, but her instant forgiveness was a blessing. He thought for sure she would hate him. She'd been looking for him. The trials the man went through alone were heartbreaking. Tragic.

They entered the conference room of the palace, and Kira went straight over to the advisors. Several were iffy of her, yet the old men seemed to recognize something in her. She was familiar. The foolish fat kitsune was sulking in the corner and berated by several people.

The meeting seemed to take forever, and the Neko managed to sit perfectly still with perfect posture. She looked hard at work and lost in the planning.

Free health care and medical practices for everyone were guaranteed. Budgets were set up to allow every house to be made safe and stable, both in the poor and rich parts of the city of Kitso. The staff would be asked to live in the palace if need be to reduce costs and sicknesses of travel. Warm baths would be free and allow cleaner environments.

Kane really didn't see how she could sit in one place for hours at a time, and just plan all of this out. It was madness. It would have taken him hours just to wrap his head around ideas and budgeting. She was a natural. Even the old wise men of his council commented so. He smiled, watching her as she interacted with them.

They seemed to grow bored themselves at one point and started to ask her questions. They asked why her tail was so fluffy or why she got along with canines.. He chuckled and stood. " That is enough for today, don't you think?" He asked them all.

With hesitation and slight nods, they agreed, and he took Kira back to their room. He was officially moving her into his room. His beautiful little Kitty, sharing his room, made him smile.

Kane glanced over at her as she yawned. He wanted to know for sure she still wanted him. He needed to know. He desperately wanted her to be his fated mate. His beloved. " Kira. ." He whispered softly.

Her ears twitched, and she slowly looked over at him. Her eyes instantly lustful and loving. The amount of adoration he saw was enough to floor him. "Yes, my King?" She answered just as softly as he had dared whisper her name.

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