Heat & Research

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The further Ozul got from the East wing, the less her scent affected his mental state. Kane was strong, but he wouldn't last. Ozul knew Kane, though with some kind of consent, would eventually break down. Kane would never touch a woman without consent from her. Nor would he. It was one of the strongest principals of a fox. They were raised that way, hard wired even. Currently the capital and it's surrounding villages had zero cases of rapes or unconsenting relationships. Hell, they had very little crime to begin with. Crime was normally punishable by death or torture.

Barbaric, but effective.

He reached the private library and records room, and closed the door behind him. He would begin by searching for information on hybrid creatures. Surely they had some. Surely she wasn't the only hybrid in their universe.

He gathered several different books on anatomy of creatures. He came across several that surprised him. Different breeds of creatures didn't normally mate together, but it appeared that sometimes they were indeed compatible. Still he couldn't help but wonder why she seemed so familiar. Why she was so fluffy? Most dogs were shaggy, most cats were short haired around this region, dragons had scales.. " The only logical conclusion I can come to is that... She's half fox. . Now, why does she seem familiar? "

Ozul poured over record after record. He studied family lines, and servants as well. They had several servants that were not from the capital. Several that were from other species. None of them fit though. None of them were cats, or from near the coast as he'd discovered by talking with her on the way to the East Wing.

He growled frustrated, and slammed the dusty book down on the table. He needed to speak with her once she was more stable. He would have to give it a day or so, and try speaking with her after that. Surely Kane wouldn't try to murder him. Much. Ozul knew that Kane was just as curious about her as he was. They both wanted, and needed to know her lineage.

He smirked. " Wave two should be hitting soon. I'd give it about... Ten minuets..." He said with a chuckle. He rubbed his face softly, and yawned. He'd stayed up all night researching. " Time for a nap, and to check on them in... Ehh... Tomorrow. " He smirked walking back towards his quarters.


Kane sighed as he relaxed in the shower. Her scent lingered on his skin. It just wouldn't seem to come off no matter how long the water ran over his body. The steam rose around him, and he gave the room another sniff. " Still... Her..." He muttered irritably. He was tired, but not. Kane hadn't been sleeping right. He stopped sleeping right how long ago now? A year or two? He'd been diagnosed with insomnia. Mostly because he hadn't settled down. He was restless, and waiting for the right one to come along. The right person to be queen to his people.

As he showered his ear twitched. The soft sounds of foot steps padding towards the bathroom caught his attention in a heartbeat. Was she awake already? How long had he stayed in the shower...? The door cracked open. " Can I come in?" She yawned after asking. He smiled a little to himself. She was rather bold right now considering she was so shy before.

" I suppose.. " he poked his head out, and almost slipped when he saw her. She was standing there with the entire set of blankets from the bed wrapped around her. She looked short, and small. Cold. . " Come. You should shower. "

She shook her head. " No. I'll be fine. " She chewed in her cheek.

" Why? What's keeping you from getting nice and warm?" He asked knowing the cats loves of warmth.

She curiously looked at the shower, and then to him. " I.. I'm afraid of the water. " She admitted.

His heart. Be still. " Your afraid of it? Arent you from a warmer area? Most of them are surrounded with water. "

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