Chapter 3: Disbelief and... board games?

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The next day was even worse than the night. Maybe the wind was getting weaker but the rain was so hard that it was almost a wall of water. And electricity was still out.

- Fucking splendid- Tommy said with a bitter smile, looking at black screen of his computer. He was supposed to record something today and in the end he was barely able to charge his phone. They couldn’t even have warm water in the shower! At least they had SOME warm water: the stove wasn’t electric and Tubbo found one of those old kettles with whistles so they could heat it that way. Candles were also doing their job properly, but who wanted light where there was nothing to do with it? Well there was, but Tubbo said one fire for the house was enough and Tommy couldn't disagree with him. Last thing he wanted was to become toasted Tommy, no matter how funny it sounded in his head.

Tubbo on the other hand had the weirdest time ever. As he tried cooking again, everytime he would search for some ingredient after searching the cupboards for a while, the wanted product was just laying on the counter as if it was there from the beginning. It was really disturbing. He could understand suddenly changing position of food during the night, one of them must have sleep-walked to get some water, but this? Food just doesn't have little feet to hop onto the counter. He shivered, accidentally imagining being chased by small, laughing carrots. Definitely not something he would like to experience.

- I’m BORED!- suddenly Tommy announced, walking into the kitchen and nearly tripping over kneeling Tubbo who was searching for a big bowl. And of course it already was standing out of the cupboards, just like that.

- Then maybe help me?- Tubbo raised his eyebrows, showing the counter covered in flour. It just really didn't want to cooperate with him...

- I’m not THAT bored- Tommy looked at him as if he said something insane. 

- Then try to figure out why things are just appearing out of nowhere- this time the shorter friend pointed at carrots that weren't there just a second ago.

- This place is haunted after all?!- Tommy squealed happily, but Tubbo rolled his eyes.

- Yeah and the ghost is right behind us, ready to kill. Stop trying to scare me and do something!

Phil was indeed behind them, but about this killing part he wouldn’t be so sure. He wanted those kids here, he really did. They were much better than that old man living here before. Of course it wasn’t Philza that scared him away. It was the locator of the basement. If only he could remember who he was. Or at least see him… He spent the whole night wondering what had happened. Why was he suddenly able to do that? Thinking clearly he meant. As something… human awakened inside of him. Something fell to the right place. Was it because of that photograph? Couldn’t be, he had been staring at it for hours. Then maybe that hat? He wasn’t sure as well, he only knew it was important to him. VERY important.

He was helping Tubbo, as he caught his name in conversation those two had previously, with cooking. It was at least better than that horrible instant food they brought two days ago. He tossed away half of it as soon as he saw it. As mindless as he had been, he knew that such food is unacceptable for a growing body. And even if it was meant to take eternity, he was going to teach those two how to eat properly. Pity that the jars that he already brought out were the only one one the ground floor. He was conscious for one day and he already was saddened by the fact that he was stuck in those few rooms. But if he was able to remember his name, maybe with time that wouldn't be impossible either.

- Fine, what do you want to do?- Tubbo finally gave up as Tommy had taken all his spoons making a pyramid out of boredom.

- I don’t know! Think of something cool! Oh, we can visit the basement!

- Absolutely not! If there was a ghost in here, it would definitely be down there!

- Then what do you want to do?

- There was a library here… maybe there’s something fun to read?

- BORING! What about the attic?!- Tommy definitely didn’t want to give up the idea of exploring new places. It was bad enough being stuck here and not being able to explore the forest. Maybe he would find a creepy cemetery in the woods. It’s going to be delightful as soon as the rain stops.

- No, not in the weather like that!- it was probably windy and cold, no condition for sightseeing, what more looking through for hours.- What about the piano?-

- We only have one and you know I don’t play well. Eh, so lame… Why can’t we think of something?!- suddenly there was a loud thud in the living room and something scattered across the floor, one of those things rolling into the kitchen.

- A... chess knight?- Tubbo gazed at it in an absolute loss, but Tommy's face lit up in realization.

- BOARD GAMES, LET’S GO!!- indeed, a few games were laying on the floor, while the rest were sitting on the edge of one of the bookcase shelves. And there was what to choose from: genres ranged from chainsaw puzzles, through memory games and simple board games to fully equipped RPG games.- Dude, look at this! So freaking cool!- Tommy was tossing the newer looking ones around, not sure at what to look first. Tubbo on the other hand tried to find all of the chess pieces; the chess board had opened due to the fall and pieces rolled away in every possible direction. Not to mention, it was a nice set as well. Pieces were hand cerved, each character having their own features. Most detailed were the kings: white one was wearing chain mail with a hood on top of which was resting a crown. In his hands he held a battle axe and face was hidden under a smiling mask. The other king had a long cape with a fur collar and was wielding a sword. Long hair was tied in a loose braid, resting on his shoulders. Whoever made those must have had some skill… a pity it wasn’t used tough. But maybe… he could use them for practice! He hasn't played in ages, but it might be a good time to start again! In the meantime Tommy finally settled his mind on one of those RPG games and started setting it up on the table and trying to read the instructions at the same time, which was going rather poorly.

Phil smiled at the blonde boy, chuckling slightly. He was completely hopeless… and way too hyper to actually read. But what to do? He could only wait for Tubbo to end his search. But at least right now they had a creative activity for the whole evening. And the only thing left for Phil was to look over the dinner and clean up the kitchen.

Can at least one of you give me absign that you want me to write it? Yeah, I can see you, one comment would be nice

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