Chapter 33: The start of the ruin

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Ranboo couldn't believe it, it was some kind of sick nightmare.

The demand for ransom came an hour ago.

Prime minister was furious.

And the teenager was just sitting there, an absolute void of cold dread in his head and washing down his spine.

He could never see his friends again.

They could kill them.

And he could have stopped it if only he had asked them to stay, like he had wanted to.

But he didn't and right now they were held captive, probably tortured.

While he was here.

This was some sort of horrific nightmare, this couldn't be real, this just couldn't be...

Ranboo, breathe- a warm hand was placed on his back, rustling of feathers beside him.- Stay with me- tears finally runned down his cheeks and the void blew like a pierced balloon, leaving him flooded with fear and sadness. He was just so scared and he felt so tiny, so helpless... if he could just do something, ANYTHING. But he was just a stupid teenager.- There, let it all go- Phil held him close, sharp talons stroking softly his hair, trying to reassure him. But the teenager knew that the man himself was barely keeping together, his appearance wilder than anything beyond. They were all losing grasp at their humanity, fury and fear for kids eating them from the inside. The worse took it Techno, he nearly broke the table when he heard the news. After that he stormed out of the room and since then haven't even poked from the basement, it sounded as if a storm was breaking under their feet. Wilbur too locked himself in the attic, but he was quiet, dangerously quiet. Only Phil stayed with Ranboo, his eyes shining with vengeance, dark shadows dancing on his skin, licking away his humanity. But Ranboo wasn't afraid of him, not anymore. He couldn't bring himself to be afraid of Phil when he held him, hugged him, trying to reassure him when he was in such a poor state.

– I just don't know what to do...- he choked out, staring at his hands.


– Techno...

Don't you fucKING DARE TO TELL ME TO CALM DOWN. THEY WERE TAKEN, THEY ARE HELD CAPTIVE AGAINST THEIR WILL AND I CANNOT JUST SIT HERE PATIENTLY WAITING AS THE GREAT POLICE WILL DO SOMETHING ABOUT THIS. THEY DO NOTHING, THEY NEVER DO ANYTHING! THEY HADN'T EVEN POKED OUR CASE WITH A STICK AND YOU THINK I'M GOING TO TRUST THEM WITH SAFETY OF MY BROTHERS?!- Ranboo couldn't even be afraid of him anymore, despite his appearance and voice getting worse and worse. He was furious, he understood that. If it wasn't for his hopelessness he would be furious too. Maybe he was, this nasty flame lingering in his stomach and licking at his throat as he stared blankly at the ghosts before him. They were all affected, their appearance stranding away from a human being with every minute. He himself hasn't felt human anymore, plunged out of any reasonable thoughts, ripped out of his world when its pieces were finally clicking together.

– No, I don't think so- Phil answered coldly, his gaze as freezing as the tone of his voice.- Because I don't trust them myself and I need all of you to be in the right mind if we want to figure out the way to get out of this place- Ranboo looked at him blankly, but something moved in his head.

He was only a teenager.

But the ghosts weren't.

They, THEY had the possibility to help Tubbo and Tomy if only they would be able to get out of this place. The only question remained how.


Tommy was screaming and biting, trying to get away from those people, to get to Tubbo, but eventually they put a gag on him, tightening the ties on his wrists, almost making them bleed. They hit him more than once to stop moving, threatened him with a knife, but nothing seemed to work on this unholy child. Even when they slashed his face he was still trying to kick them, trying to bite through the gag. He looked like a demon, blood dripping from his chin, staining his shirt, as he was baring his teeth at them. Gang really didn't expect the boy to be this fierce, he also seemed to know where to hit for it to hurt the most. He broke at least one of his oppressors' noses, sending different one to the ground whimpering in pain. Finally they kept their distance from him, not wanting to suffer from him, he was surely taught how to fight. He was a wild animal that everyone was afraid of.

But there was one person who knew how to tame him, the most cruel of them all. And he took Tubbo, dragging him to the light in front of Tommy's cage.

– Behave or I'll make sure this boy never sees the sunlight again- he held him high by his neck, seeing as the blonde's eyes matted and he backed away. Of course.

But then he smiled cruelly, taking a bottle of acid and emptying it on half of Tubbo's face.

Horrified and full of agony screams filled the room, as Tommy trashed in his cage, his left healthy eye tearing from fear.

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