Chapter 28: Oblivious muffinhead

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Ranboo didn't remember the sofa to be made and both Tubbo and Tommy were with him downstairs the whole time. Was he so stressed that he overlooked such things? Yeah, it must be. But he had to admit that he was very lucky... Someone else in his place would be right now desperately looking for a cheap youth hostel to stay in and try to finish their work as quickly as they would be able to. But Ranboo had a place to stay... he even had his own bedroom! All it was missing was a desk, but a chest of drawers will do. Or he could just write downstairs, there's no difference.

Right now he's just tired. He heard that in the room below Tubbo was talking through the phone with a man, they were using a speaker. Probably it was that uncle, Phil. He really should thank him next time he calls Tubbo or Tommy. It was so nice of him to let him stay during his absence! Tommy on the other hand was trashing in his room, yelling some weird phrases, as if he was preparing for a school play. Something about a knight...? He couldn't hear clearly, his eyelids getting heavier and heavier with every second as he was laying on the sofa.

He woke up in the middle of the night, suddenly jolting awake. There was a sound... Wind, probably, he was in the attic after all... why was he so scared? Then he noticed something else. Someone took off his shoes and changed his shirt, before tucking him in. Old top was lying neatly folded on a chair. Ranboo could swear it was not standing there when he fell asleep. Maybe... Tubbo or Tommy came up here? Yeah, most probably. How else could he explain this? He did sleepwalk a few times, but he never brought something with him on the way back to bed... he should ask his friends in the morning about that.

- What are you doing?- a question fell out of his mouth as soon as he came downstairs. Tommy was jumping all around the living room trying to get his shoes one, while holding a sandwich in his mouth and a fencing sword under his arm.

- Don't mind him, he just overslept- Tubbo's voice spoke up from the kitchen, before its owner appeared in the doorway. Tommy screamed something back at him in frustration. Ranboo was impressed how good his balance actually was... he himself would have tripped a long time ago and yet Tommy was doing multiple things at once.

– Overslept for what?- he finally asked when the younger teenager sprung out of the room, managing to put on the shoes.

– There's that big festival coming up and everyone is involved. Tommy just happened to be a part of the main event, being in a fencing class- Tubbo chuckled in response, rolling his eyes. But he was still happy that his friend had something that he wanted to be a part of.

– You took up fencing?- well, it was obvious from Tommy holding that sword, but can you blame him? It was Tommy after all and that man didn't need an excuse to have sharp objects, the bigger the better.

– Believe me, you don't want to spar with him, despite being a newbie, he can way more than stand on his own- Tubbo rose his brow, before heading back to the kitchen to take care of the boiling eggs. It was another surprise for Ranboo, sure that he would have to make breakfast on his own. But the table was already set for the two of them, Tommy obviously excluded due to his rehearsal. The meal went on in a warm atmosphere with Tubbo filling Ranboo in on what was going on in the L'manburg. The older boy found that really interesting and promised to help in his free time, but the papers obviously being his priority. Tubbo left soon after, claiming that Sapnap asked him to help with a few shopping stands that needed decorations. And so Ranboo was left alone. Curiosity was getting the best of him, wanting to check the rest of the house, but he reminded himself that he had to do his work first. He prefered writing everything down on paper first, moving it onto the computer later on, despite it taking way more time. It was just more natural for him. So he carried this ridiculously thick notebook everywhere, it more resembled a book rather than just a journal. But he cherished it nonetheless, many things written in it ranging from the notes from lectures to some doodles or lyrics from overheard songs that he just wanted to remember.

From what he knew there was supposed to be a library somewhere in this building. Maybe, just maybe there would be some books on the right topic and he wouldn't have to dig through the countless pages on the internet. The chance was small, but there still was something. So with his notebook and laptop under his arm he started looking around. And when he finally managed to find it, he was absolutely stunned. Amount of books in this room beats even the library in his previous school. Was it even possible for a singular person to own this much? And who the hell would read it?! Sadly there wasn't a desk in here so he would have to come back to the living room every time he wanted something. Pity.

Suddenly there was this sound, screeching of opening doors. He hasn't even noticed them before. Slightly open doors, stuffed in the corner between the end of a bookshelf and a wall, made of dark wood which lead it to be even less noticeable. And behind them was hidden a small room with a single bed and another wall completely taken over by a bookshelf. But on this wall was made a place for a... desk! There was a desk in here! Thanks to the heavens!

Phil chuckled slightly, looking as the boy rushed over to the desk, overjoyed. He had no idea one could be this happy over a piece of furniture. Well, he might have to clean it up next time for the boy to use it freely. All those wood splinters aren't exactly the most comfortable to work on.

Ranboo was actually way happier working here instead of home. This place had such a different feeling to it, almost antical. But it was calm and thanks to that it was easier to focus. Dark wood around him and green walls were also a huge difference from all of the stuff in his room. Only disadvantage of this place were sometimes strange noises, as if someone was walking around the place. But Ranboo had checked that many times now and there wasn't anything unusual. So he just decided to ignore it and listen to some music on his headphones. What else he found weird was how often the books were falling off the shelves. And what more they were always the books he needed at that moment.

Techno rolled his eyes in annoyance, once again looming as the boy was muttering to himself, looking for another book. Well, he will never find it if he keeps looking for it on a ground level. There were only the most common books that they used the most. The man was fighting with an urge to just hit the boy with one of the books so he would finally realize where he was supposed to look for them. But people have a tendency not to look up.

- We're home!- a voice rang in the air, making Ranboo snap out of his studies. He would barely hear it through the headphones, but something hit him just a second before so he had taken them off to look around. Tubbo came home?

Oh, no, he forgot to make something to eat.

Ah, it was already three in the afternoon and they were probably hungry! Maybe they could order a take out? Well, they will have to judge by the fact that nothing was done!

But when he walked to the living room to greet the friend, he found Tubbo and Tommy already sitting behind the table, ready for dinner. Everything was done.

- Geez, big man, have you really spent all day in the library?


Guys, I've been gone for a month, WHERE THE HELL DID YOU ALL COME FROM?!

Also, thank you for all the comments, I really enjoy reading everything you want to say. Stay safe!

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