Chapter 26: Preparations

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- Gee, what's this commotion all about?- Tommy scrubbed his head in wonder, looking at all those rushing people. Suddenly the whole L'manburg was up on its feet and running in all directions at once.

- There you are, newbie, I've been looking everywhere for you. You're so late I can't believe it- it was master Dream, walking slowly towards them with a raised hand. Seeing that he got their attention grinned widely and rested his hand on the pommel of his sword.- Oh, and Tubbo, Snapmap told me that he'll see you by the town hall, he needs help-

- Help? With what?- the man stared at him for a second, slightly puzzled, but then suddenly he hit his mask and started wheezing. Boys looked at each other, completely lost, but he waved his hand not to worry about it.

- I forgot you're new in the town- he calmed down, smiling mischievously.- You know there's a castle nearby, don't ya? Every year, around this time we put up a medieval festival, one of the biggest one in the region. Battle of two kings, ring any bell?-

- Wait, Battle of two kings takes place HERE?- Techno had like dozens of posters of this event in his room!

- Ye. When I was younger I used to be one of them- the king, he meant of course. The second one must have been Techno, thought Tubbo. That's why he and Dream were kings on the chess board!- But now I look after the young ones as a "champion" they can challenge. But you, as a part of fencing classes will be performing as a knight. Normally newbie like you would only help with the gear, but ya got the spirit-

- And what will I do?- Tubbo pointed at himself, curious. He had no actual role in the town’s life, he just chatted with citizens and sometimes helped Sapnap with products.

- No idea- he shrugged, before grabbing Tommy by a trim of his hoodie like a kitten.- Jep, no more gibber gabber, time to work. I'll give ya your script-


- Battle of two kings? It's still going?- Phil was quite surprised by the news. He was sure that the tradition died shortly after he did. Puffy and he used to organize it… If he could only remember who Puffy was…

- Yeah, and Dream told me to memorize this…- Tommy fell onto the sofa with a loud thump, throwing sheets of paper onto the coffee table. It was an impressive pile, almost three centimeters thick.- What does he think I am, a computer? There's no way I'm going to learn both that and movements within a week!- he whined, once again looking through black text not even reading it.

- A week, you say? No problem!- Techono yanked the script out of his hands, boredly looking through it.- Ah, yeah… I remember that one… No, no problem at all. It'll be fun to practice it again- suddenly, something came to his mind, because he clapped his hands, looking at the teenager.- Tell ya what kid, you're going to memorize this by TOMORROW-

- You've got to be fucking kidding me- Tommy looked at him as if he lost his mind, but Techno grinned mischiviously with dangerous spark in his eyes.

- No pain no game, mate. And there will be a lot of pain, trust me. I'm going to beat the shit out of you, ya little prick- like he said, they did. Almost. Techno just dragged screaming Tommy through the front door, grabbing their equipment on the way and they just disappeared like that, with only a trial of boy’s protests.

- Well, there they go- Phil took another sip of his tea, taking his eyes off the door. They’ll be fine.


- I shall not boweth und'r thy sw'rd as i standeth and liveth.  I am fustian knight of the Antarctic Kingdom yond i shall s'rve till mine own days cometh- Tommy was agonizing over the words he was speaking. What the fuck did they even mean?!

- Thy loyalty is to admireth, but shall eke beest the reasoneth of thy doom!- Techno roared at him. Unlike Tommy he wasn't stuttering even a bit, his pose prideful and voice full of royal grace. He was BORN to play this. His stance beaming with glory, sword raised as high as his head. He was happy, he really was. He loved this. It reminded him of the time when he and Dream would stand on the ring, challenging each other for a duel. THE duel. Battle of the two kings. It was their show. They ruled that castle, both of them. It was their day.

- I feareth not death as it wonneth't cometh f'r me! I am… what was it supposed to be??- 

- I am l'rd Thomaias of the N'rth'rn Star! Royal blood runs through mine own veins, coronet rests on mine own headeth! I shall striketh thee down in the nameth of mine own fath'r, king Billiam! GET THIS RIGHT, YOU IDIOT, IT'S YOUR OWN NAME FOR FUCK SAKE!-

- IT'S FUCKING NOT!- defending against Techno wasn't easy and Tommy found out about this the day Techno started training him for real. The ghost was stupidly fast and agile for his posture, making him a really tough opponent.- And why the hell must we speak that broken english?!- 

- It's actually Shakespearean-ish, to make it sound older. Not ideal for medieval times, but still better than nothing- Techno waved his hand in a “so-so” way, stopping for a little, which created an opportunity for Tommy to fall onto the ground with a loud groan.

- So I not only have to take part in the duel but also put up Hamlet?!

- Hey, you only have like one page in total of speech- Techno leaned on his sword, raising his brows.- Do you have any idea how much talking King Billiam has?

- How the fuck do you remember all of it…

- I rehearsed it like… 30 times a year for 6 years straight. Practice does that to you. With time you'll remember it just as well as I do-

- Oh fuck, please no…- but before Techno could comment on this with huge grin on his face, their attention was caught by something else. Towards them was walking Tubbo, with phone in his hands and somehow worried look.

- Guys… we’re going to have a guest- 

Guess who. Jk, you all know who

Piece by piece to love | Sleepy bois incOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora