Chapter 31: Soldier, Poet, King

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Ranboo thought that his heart would just fall out of his chest, it was slaming against his ribcage so hard... Oh, he's going to die, the ghosts are going to possess him or some shit and then strangle both Bee and Tommy. He shouldn't have come here, he shouldn't have stuck his nose into other people's business!

– Are you coming down or are you getting a heart attack?- a sudden voice snapped him out of his misery.- And do you know we have a light switch here?- Tommy was standing in a doorway, clearly unamused as he switched the lights on. H... how long has he been standing there?

– B-but...- Ranboo barely choked out, looking at his friend in shock. Had he made that all up? Gosh, of course... the batteries just gave out, why was he freaking out about a stupid flashlight... No such things like ghosts existed after all... This was so awkward, he made a complete fool of himself.

I'm not going to say sorry, don't even look at me like that- suddenly Ranboo realized Tommy wasn't staring at him as something spoke right next to him. And it sounded just like one of the cousins. Boo jolted back, looking at the empty floor, as if it was about to tear his throat open. There... there was something there and he couldn't see it.... Was it really a ghost? Was he right after all?! Oh god, they are going to die.

– Because of you I took a fucking sword to my shoulder! Look, look what you've done!- Ranboo nearly fainted as Tommy pointed at his shoulder, still slightly red from drying blood. The cut itself was covered with a bandage, but still it was there, Toms got hurt, the ghosts are-!

Eh, just a bruise, not like something similar stopped you before- the talker seemed to throw himself onto the boy, Tommy's posture suddenly dropping as if something heavy lied on his shoulders.

– You little shit- he spat out in response, getting from under him and crossing his arms, looking annoyed.

Love you too, Tommy- the voice sang mockingly, earning a pout from the blonde.

– Oh, fuck off- Ranboo was both confused and terrified at best. It was a miracle that he hadn't passed out yet, but he felt like he was about to do so. A ghost. Tommy was talking to a literal ghost. Was this his life now? No, it surely cannot be...

Boys, the tea is getting cold!- Mr Phil called from downstairs. Wait, Mr Phil?! He was in the house?! But... wasn't he... WHAT THE HELL WAS GOING ON?!

– Yeah, yeah, commin'!- Tommy yelled in response, before turning once more to Ranboo.- C'mon, big guy, enough of sitting on the floor, get up!- he took the offered hand, milion thought still running over his head, screaming in chaos and agony. He had no idea what to think about this whole situation, it was just so unreal!

But he allowed to be led down the attic stairs, Tommy and the ghost still bickering slightly about the cut on his arm, but Ranboo hasn't exactly caught what exactly this was about. It seemed like they were arguing just to argue, not from real anger. Especially with the way Tommy was smiling, bitterly and crooked, the way he always does when his tries of mocking someone is turned against him. The ghost... seemed to be close to him, openly laughing and poking him, sometimes ruffling his hair. Like... an older brother?

Walking through the empty corridor seemed like forever to panicking Ranboo, but finally they made it to the staircase and the living room. And there they were greeted by a rather bizarre scenery. On the coffee table were five cups and a teapot, cookies lying on a tray. The couch was preoccupied by Tubbo, snuggled underneath a crazy amount of fluffy blankets, with only his sleepy head and a part of his plushie sticking out. There was someone running an invisible hand through his hair, a cup floating mid air too. Another ghost. How many fucking ghosts were in this household?!

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