Chapter 13: Trust

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Tommy was aching all over, he had so many bruises that he could barely change his clothes. Dream had no mercy, absolutely none. This nice, weird guy disappeared the second he took a fencing sword into his hands, replaced by a strict and kind of crazy beast. Every time Tommy got his stance wrong he attacked that one incorrect spot, with no chance for the boy to defend himself.

Tommy knew it would be hard, but he just had no idea that his teacher would be a psycho.

Rain was pouring down when he finally left the practice building. Wonderful… By the time he managed to catch a bus he was soaking wet. At least cold water seemed to ease the pain… The way went in silence as there was no one on the bus beside him and the bus driver, who didn’t seem like a very talkative guy. Besides, Tommy wasn’t in the mood for talking… His stop was still five minutes of walking from home so whatever managed to dry in the bus, was soaked again. Mud was terrible and he had water in his shoes… Please, at least let it be warm at home…

- Tommy, you’re soaking wet! Come here, my child, we don’t need you catching a cold!- Tommy smiled as he was not mistaken; Phil greeted him in the doors, clearly not expecting a walking wet pile of clothes.

- I’ll be fine, uncle- before he could say anything a towel hit him in the face, accompanied by Wilbur’s laughter.- Gee, thanks man…-

- Y̶o̷u̸’̸r̸e̴ ̵w̶e̴l̸c̷o̴m̵e̶- the ghost in the mirror bowed theatraticly, with a crooked smile stuck onto his face. Tommy could get mad at him, especially after all he went through today, but he somehow didn't. He was actually glad to hear him.

- Wait, you sound better!- Tommy smiled widely at the ghost.- What the hell did you three were doing without me?- 

- Wilbur was teaching me how to play guitar!-

- A̷n̵d̸ ̶y̵o̵u̶ ̴a̸r̸e̷ ̷g̴o̴i̵n̴g̶ ̴t̵o̸ ̵l̴e̵a̸r̶n̴ ̶h̴o̵w̵ ̷t̶o̴ ̴p̴l̴a̵y̴ ̸p̵i̴a̷n̷o̷ ̵w̵i̷t̴h̴ ̴d̷a̶d̴- Wilbur stabbed him in a chest with a finger, but quickly jumped back as almost a waterfall fell to the floor, creating an impressive puddle.

- I don’t think it’s such a good idea- Tommy chuckled, remembering how pissed his music teacher was at him every time he played. He almost failed music at school after all…

- Come, Tommy needs something warm. And a dry set of clothes- Tommy wished that he could see the ghosts… it was a pity that they could touch the boys and no other way around. If either Tubbo or Tommy wanted to interact with them ghosts had to guide them. He just wanted… to hug Phil after what had happened today.

He took off his shoes and emptied them outside, taking out the inserts to let them dry better. No one wanted moldy shoes in the house… He also had to leave his socks on the heater, even without them he was dripping all over the floor. Phil was already waiting with some new clothes in the living room, while Tubbo was starting a fire in the fireplace. Even a kettle already stood on the stove in the kitchen, getting louder and louder. Tommy smiled. This… really felt like home. Not like when he would come back from the school only to discover his mom was still in her job and it was cold, unwelcoming. He was really home.

- Don’t just stand there, get changed. Or you won’t be able to leave the house for the rest of the week- Phil took his towel from him, once more drying his hair, ruffling it hardly. Tommy laughed in response, trying to shove him away, but with no effect like always. He liked it anyway… He finally agreed, trying to prevent ghosts from tickling him into submission and took his shirt off, placing it on the table.

- K̶i̶d̸,̴ ̵y̷o̶u̸ ̷a̸r̵e̵ ̷c̴o̶v̷e̶r̸e̶d̵ ̴w̸i̸t̸h̸ ̷b̴r̷u̶i̶s̵e̷s̶!̶- Wilbur said with worry, looking at the beaten boy. Half of his body was covered with purple and yellow splotches, revealing all his mistakes.

- I actually wasn’t expecting anything less…- Phil sighed, picking up his shirt and wrincing it into a previously prepared bucket.- How I wish you could train with Techno instead of Dream… he was way more sane during their duels-

- Wait… you knew I’ll get hurt and you didn’t try to stop me?- it made no sense. All the adults would try to stop him in Phil’s place. Heck, his mom wouldn’t even let him touch the sword in case he would poke his eye out with it.

- Tommy, I’m not going to say what you are supposed to do or not if it comes to your passions. You wanted to try fencing so that’s what I let you do- he stopped for a second and sighed, shaking his head.- I’ll only stop you if you’re going to get permanently hurt-

- Aren’t you… worried?

- Of course I am. But by heavens, you’re responsible enough not to die during training- his mom… would never let him do this. She would say no and that was the end of discussion. That’s why he always wanted to live with dad… But he wasn’t given a choice. He was stuck with his overprotective mother. And now… when it was Phil watching over them… he suddenly felt free. Phil… trusted him (a horrible decision, really). No adult before trusted him.

Phil never knew them before and yet decided to treat them as his own sons.

Tommy had to repay him.

And he knew how.

He’s going to brig Techno back, no matter the cost.

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