Not really normal...(One Direction fan-fic)

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           This is going to be original,strange,creepy,dirty and,I guess,funny.God,help me and stop any memer of One Direction from reading this!If you are,in any way,offended by sexual scenes,I strongly suggest you NOT to read this.And if you aren't,hope you'll enjoy the book!


Meet and greet

      "I'm going to have brain surgery." I said and suddenly had the attention of all my classmates.My name is Chelsea and I won't tell you how do I look because.."I'm going to change.I'l be in coma one week,time in which,my body is going to turn in what was supposed from the start.Hair,eyes,skin,all.I know some of you see me as an oddity because of my powers and my sweet true friends.." I said giving a death glare to the girls in the 4th bench.The ones that I thought sisters,but that betrayed me.  "..but I have to ask you something.Don't stare at me.A week or so,until I'll be used with the new me."

       "Why?Are you going to be even uglier?" I heard a sarcastic laugh from my ex-sister."No,Anne,I won't look like you,stay calm." "You.." "Bitch?" I laughed arrogant.She was expecting me to crack,but as you'll see,I'm not a typical 16 years old girl."Well,I wish you luck at the finals and please do that for me." I smiled and took my bag.

         "Nature oddity!" Aly,my other ex-sister,shouted."Shower of cunts!" I said and I heard all my class laughing.Good luck,Soph,my truly best-friend learnt me that! "Sorry,did you just call my cousin a bitch?" I heard a sweet voice and turned.There was,my crush since ever,Aly's cousin,Josh.Yeah,badluck he was just like his relative,fake. "Cunt." I said sarcastic and got out the school.

         It was raining,perfect.You'd think London is cute in spring,but trust me,it's not.But a little bit of rain won't kill me.I was busy fixing the ground with my eyes,when I woke up all wet. "What the fuck is wrong with you?" I yelled.From a huge,red bus,5 idiots got out.They were all laughing and that made me even more angry.

         Let me describe them:There was this very tall curly,a blonde,a super-tattooed one,a not-that-tall brown haired one and an almost bald.Ok,it was pretty clear it was a haircut,because they didn't look older than 20.

         Anyway,I was still angry! "And this was for?" I said. "Um..sorry..erm..we didn't mean to." The curly laughed. "Yeah,that's cute.I'm feeling much better,thank you." I said sarcastic,holding myself from slapping them. "Do you know who we are?" The blonde said.

          "Obviously,some jerks!" I yelled and wanted to leave,tired of all their laughs and checking outs.The blonde stepped forward and grabbed my hand. "We're One Direction." "Um?" Ok,maybe I knew about 1D,but mostly because of Sophie.I had no ideea about their names or songs,they were the band my best freind was fangirling about,not my business.

             "Really?" the not-that-tall said."Oops." I laughed and wanted to leave again,but the blondie didn't let go my hand. "You're cute." He smiled cheeky.He was taller than me.and that helped him when he sticked his chest on mine.Really? "And that's a reason for you idiots to check me out?!" I said and pushed him. "Sorry,but you're kind of beautiful." The curly smiled.

             "In a week,you won't even recognize me,so shut up!" I said and left.Nobody will,why would you?

      So,let's see what we learned about One Direction today:


                 2)Names?-Still no ideea.

                 3)Full of themselves?-Yes,sir.


               The next 3 chapters are going to be like this(nice and stuff),so you have to eait a little for the dirty you like it so far?

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