Chapter 10 P.t. 1

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Devyn's POV

In the dream the sky is blue, the birds sing and there is a bee on clover nearby. The streams run clear and there are fish in the river. Next to me is a small boy and he tells me how he sees the world. His answers to my questions are so precious. I ask him if we should care for the world. He says "Yes" like he's surprised I should even have to ask. I ask him if we should be nice to animals, his response is the same. I ask him if we should kill or harm animals and his eyes fill with tears. I ask him if humans should kill one another and he runs, runs like he just saw a monster. I call after him but he won't return. He's a child, and like all children he's still able to see through the light of the creator - he was never taught the answers, he feels them within.

The slam of the door came like punctuation. I bolt up from where I was lying and look around me, I'm on a bed; Jack's bed. Again another door slammed; it cracked through the house as loud as any whip, stinging at my head, echoing through my skull. Then there were the gunshots.




I jumped at each one. My heart racing, skin burning. Adrenaline racing. Panic seared through my veins and my first thought:

Where is Jack?!

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