Chapter 8

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Devyn's POV

Sitting down on the so familiar sofa I look around. I missed this place. Red walls covered in photos of family and of us. Dark wood floors and mix-matched furniture. Tv mounted on the wall in front of me. Shane's voice zones me back in,  

"Where have you been all this time? What happened to you?"

I sighed and looked away, "I was looking for the Joker.."

His mouth fell open as his face twisted through different emotions, 


"that night you found me unconscious under the stairs that was my own fault. I helped him escape and gave him an exit but he didn't want me going with him because he didn't want me ruining my life, so he knocked me unconscious while he ran"

"okay..start from the beginning.. how did all this happen.."

"It started when he first kidnapped me. He protected me from his thugs, stopped them from coming near me, he killed one of them because they touched me. He took me home because he didn't want me with him because of the danger. However, I kept tracking him, using the excuses of his crimes..."

He sat there and listened to me as I explained everything, how I let him go at Bruce's party and it was my idea to hurt me to make it believable, the accident of the explosion, living with Bruce, that final night and what I've done since. The only thing I left out is who Batman is and the last 48 hours. Once I had finished he sat there for a few seconds, staring.

", you're such an idiot to think you couldn't tell me any of this.."

I chuckled and he grinned taking my hand, 

"What you've gone through is insane. but you're my best friend and I love you, I'll be there to stand by you no matter what, you won't have to go alone anymore.."

"Thank you, Shane, I love you too, so much, "I say teary-eyed once again, 

"I love the hair colour and cut by the way De" He grins, 

"thanks, I did it at a gas station"We laugh, 

He had a laugh like glass shattering: sharp, brief, and sudden, crashing to a halt. He chuckled slowly and warmly, reminding me of honey. He had a crooked little laugh to match his crooked little smile--and his crooked little mind. His laugh was like thunder; it was a low, rumbling boom. I stand up and walk over to his small balcony, only enough for two people to stand out there and pulled out a cigarette, lighting it. I felt him look at me but I felt no judgement, I know he wouldn't, he respected my choices, 

"Did you find him?"He asks me, 

"yes..well actually he found me.."

"soo? what happened!!"He giggled, 

"I shouted at him to start with, I was angry for him disappearing for 2 years then suddenly popping up.."I paused remembering the moment, emotions flooding back, "...and all he said after was..' I love you' and I kissed him.."

Looking beside me Shane squeals slightly, "does that mean my best friend is dating the Joker?!" 

"yes" I giggle, "his name is Jack"

"Does Millie or Jamie know?"

"No, I came to you first.. and I haven't spoken to Jamie since our argument at the police station.."

Shane's face then dropped, "oh no.."

He gripped my shoulders and looked into my eyes, 

"you need to be careful...Jamie has changed in the past 2 years, he's gone mad, looking for you, swearing he will be with you..he swore to kill Joker after we found you unconscious.."

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