Chapter 11

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Devyn's POV

"You wouldn't shoot me."

"Oh wouldn't I?"

I stay quiet, the gun pushing harder into my back. I look at Jack who's shaking his head and shuffling,

"Devyn don't"

The man cackles behind me, "Oh I wouldn't shoot you? After everything you've put me through?!"

"You did this to yourself!"I snarl,

"YOU made me worry, YOU told me you loved me, YOU caused this!"

"No, this was your choice! I never once told you I loved you!"

He yanked my hair back and I yelped, his face hovering over mine, "LAIR!"

"I could never love you!"

"DEVYN!!"Jack shouts,

The man forces me to look at Jack, panting, desperate eyes, "Look what you do to the people around you!"

My heart breaks, "No!"

"Tell me. Do you even remember me?!"He shouts,

"Yes..I do"I whisper,

"then say it." He grips my hair harder, I wince, "SAY IT!"

I gulp and lock my eyes with Jack's as a tear slips down my face, "Jamie."

"sorry, I couldn't hear you."He demanded,

"JAMIE!!"I scream,

Jamie cackles, "good girl" he purrs, and I feel sick,

"Now you're going to be good and come with me."


"Excuse me?"

I look at Jack, his eyes wide open. "I'm sorry" I mouth,

"I said no!"I scream and pull the gun from my thigh. Spinning around I aim and pull the trigger. Jamie copies, the bullet flying into my chest.

Jack's POV

My heart is pounding in my ears.



Devyn's body flies backwards as Jamie's shoulder flies back, blood splattering across the wall. The screams fill my ears and everything seems to go slow as I force my hands from the ties, slicing my hands. Sliding across to Devyn I cradle her head in my lap.

"Devyn... no...please"I choke,

I look up to see Jamie crawling on his knees, he looks up, eyes wide.

"Do you feel better now?!"I scream, "She's dead because of you!"

He struggles to his feet as I reach for the pistol, aiming and firing. I run out as Jamie runs,

"I will hunt you down and I will not stop until I find you and tear you apart!"

My attention focuses back on Devyn. My eyes burn with tears, I wipe the blood from her face and neck. I bury my face in her neck and hold her tight. This heartbreak feels cold. It feels like concrete drying in my chest. This heartbreak was unexpected, as they always are - top of the world one minute and cut down the next. Anger, pain, sadness - so intertwined that perhaps their names aught to be tweaked to reflect the true origins of those emotions.

I let go of Devyn and press a soft kiss to her lips, brush the hair away from her face, pressing another gentle kiss there. Laying her body down gently I remove my jacket and use it to cover her face and the top half of her body. Stand up, I walk out of the room unable to glance back.

The anger that rips through my body causes a snarl on my lips. I don't bother changing I grab the supplies I need to hunt the motherfucker down and jump into my car, Heading for the city, he couldn't have gone far.

Shane's POV

"No!! I don't want to watch that again!"I wine

"argh fine, what do you want to watch?"Millie chuckles,

I shrug and pout; she rolls her eyes with a smile and stands, "well while you think I'm going to get us some drinks"



I laugh and turn my attention back to the Netlifx menu. When the doorbell rings I jump,

"Hey, Mill's are we expecting anyone..?" I call

"I don't know, it's your apartment!"She shouts back,

I stand up and look through the eyepiece, I gasp and throw the door open. The person falls through the door, and Millie gasps,


I slam the door shut and lock it, moving quickly to sit beside where he was laying on the floor. He was coughing and shaking,

"What the hell happened?!" I gasped,

"The Joker.."He panted,

Millie looks at me, she shook him slightly, "what do you mean?!"

Jamie looks up at her, "I found him...I found Devyn too..."

"What did you do!" I blurt,

Jamie closes his eyes and his body falls against me,

"Jamie! Come on stay awake!" I turn to Millie, "Phone an ambulance!"

She nods and runs off, "What did you do Jamie, tell me"

"..I brought these men...Devyn was staying in a house with him...just on the edge of the city..."Jamie splutters, struggling with air,

"..was? What happened?!"I panic,

"We found him before her...there was so much blood..."

My blood runs cold, I had a horrible feeling in my gut, "Jamie..."

"..We beat him, tried to get him to talk..but all he did was laugh!"

Jamie started to gasp and I sat him up, his back against my chest, "Come on Jamie...breathe"

"Th-then she came in...guns...she shot the men.."

"Then men you brought with you?"I ask,

He nods and takes a gulp of air, "Sh-she..."then he stops and for a moment I panic, I look at him and his eyes are wide open, skin pale,

"I-I-I shot her...shes dead..."

I freeze and I hear a thud. Millie falls to her knees as she screams. My eyes burn and Jamie goes limp in my arms. I lay him down and run to Millie, she falls into my arms, sobbing,

"Please no...Shane...please"

"I've got you..I'm sorry..I'm so sorry..I've got you..."I whisper as she sobs, tears streaming down my own face.

Theres a dull knock on the door followed by the announcement that its the ambulance. I call them in and it all happens so slowly, the paramedics taking Jamie's lifeless body. A paramedic trying to talk to us but I couldn't speak...couldn't think. I did the only thing I could Gordon.

Unknown POV

My body shot up and I gasped. Gulping in air as the pain flooded through my chest. I pull my shirt off and pick the bullet that was lodged in the vest out, pulling the vest over my head; throwing it across the room. Looking down at the deformed circle-shaped bruise in the middle of my sternum I take a deep breath. Looking beside me I see Jack's jacket, gripping it, I yell,


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