Chapter 14

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Devyn's POV

"do you think he will be here?"Bruce asks,

I sigh, "I don't know, I'm hoping so, I'm sick of chasing him"

Bruce nods. I get out and look up at the building, Why have nostalgia if it does not infect you with happiness?

Emotional pain leaves invisible scars, yet they can be traced by the most gentle of touch. Sometimes, like a cyst, the "wound" must be opened to be healed; other times a well meaning person may seek to heal what should be left alone. If it can be ignored and a normal happy life resumed, isn't it kinder to have faith in the natural healing process?

I've never been a person to hold a grudge, instead seeking to understand the motives of another. It doesn't mean there is no scar, only that I need have no forgiveness of the other. To forgive you must first resent, or at least that is my understanding. Perhaps that's why I heal so well, I'm not sure. Anyhow, perhaps my scars are my road-map, maybe I'd be lost without them.

I step into the building and take a deep breath, "here we go" I whisper,

My footsteps up the stairs echo. This building sued to be full of all types and sorts of people and families, now barely a few remain as its walls crumble and crack, that night left a burning memory. I reach the top and my door has been replaced, in order to try and fix whatever happened that night. I scoff and push my hand against the door, while reaching for my gun.

The door creaks open and inside all is darkness, I listen and I hear nothing. Stepping futher inside I try and lights, relieved to see the power is still there. With the lights now showing the apartment I can see they have tried to tidy and clean somewhat but its still nothing like it used to be, it's not home. Flashes of that night, my father, the masks, the guns; all come flooding to me and I flinch.

Walking around the apartment, looking at everything I realise...I'm alone. He's not here. My heart sinks and I head back to the front door, until; a piece of paper and a pen catches my eye and an idea comes to me,

Grabbing them both I begin to scribble,


I am not dead, the bullet never hit me, come home.


I leave it on the counter and all I can do now is hope. Getting back into the bat pod Bruce looks at me,

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah...I'm just tired..I thought all of this would be nieve was that"I sigh,

"You'll get to stop soon..I know it, you deserve it after all" Bruce smiles,

"Yeah..."I smile.

Shane's POV

"Shane! come look at this!"

I rush over to where Gordon was reviewing the lab results, I stand next to him and lean over,

"What is it?"


My eyes widen, "Hang on...could those hairs be from when he supposedly shot her?"

Jim nods but looks back at the results, "I would have agreed however the blood on the hair isnt hers its Jamie's and its from when he was shot..."

I step back, "so...Devyn.."

"we know one thing Devyn is very much still alive but we can't be certain that shes the one who shot Jamie.."

"Jesus Christ..." I sigh, putting my head in my hand,

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