Chapter 1

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~~ 2 Years Later ~~

Devyn's POV

Roaring down the road past the city and to the outskirts my heart races, after years of searching I've finally done it. I've tracked down Jack's warehouse. Squeezing the handle I ride faster. When Jack drove me home that day 2 years ago I didn't look much at where we were going and I don't remember much of it so it took me longer to find it. Disappearing through trees and down back roads I finally see it. Pulling up around the front I pull my gun out. It's eerily quiet. Sneaking into the building fear settles in me, I can't hear anything, no talking or even guns being moved. Walking into the main living area memories hit me like a truck,

It goes silent as the thugs stare at me,

"what the fuck have you gone quiet for?"Jack growls,

Then he turns slowly to see me, "Devyn?"

I stumble back half a step and swallow thickly. I lower my gun and walk around the building, no one's here. Looking in my old room, from when I was here nothing has been moved since I left, I felt a harsh tug on my heart,

"Jack you are hurt.."

"It's just a few scratches, I'm fine darling"

I reach a hand up and he moves away,

"no touching, remember" he giggles,

Shaking my head, I don't listen to my rational side,

"no touching rule only applies to everyone else, not you...I trust you"

He giggles more as I reach my hand up once more. This time he doesn't move away,

Shaking my head roughly I walk out and head towards the library, my feet moving like clockwork. The little table in the middle still had the glass and book I was reading on it, tears fill my eyes, running out I go back to the living area, dust is everywhere. He hasn't been here in ages. I shout and kick the table over, going back outside again,

"FUCK!!"I yelled,

Putting my helmet back on I race back to Gotham. This time going through The Narrows and into the centre of the city. I park up and let my copper hair fall from the helmet. Lighting up a cigarette and walking to the bank. Since everything that happened with the Joker the city has gone quiet, it's eery. Batman no longer roams the streets and all I know of Bruce is he's moved back to Wayne Manor and no one's seen him since. The bank is mostly empty and I bypass the front workers and go straight to the main man. Knocking on the glass he waves me away, I knock and again and he looks up, his annoyed face quickly changes and he ends the call promptly, letting me in his office,

"Ronin..what can I do for you?"

"He wasn't there. you lied to me."

His face screwed up,

"that's where he is, I haven't lied"

"its gutted and dusty, no one's been in there for months. Get me the full list of anywhere he's been known to be."



He hurries and the printer goes off, I grab them as they come out.

"that's all of them."

I pull my gun out and shoot him in the leg, he yells in pain,

"that's for lying to me. lie to me again and the bullet goes between your eyes."

Reaching onto his desk I grab his stapler and staple the papers together, tucking the gun into my holster I walk out the building and back to my bike. Ronin is the alias that these mob leaders and thugs know me as, as far as anyone is concerned Devyn is long gone. Millie and Shane have tried to reach me but they'll never be able to. Stashing the papers and getting on my bike I spot Jamie, Millie and Shane across the street, laughing and talking. Jamie looks in my direction and a frown covers his face, I shove the helmet on my head and pull away back to my apartment. I see my old friends occasionally when I go on rare visits back to the main city but they never know it's me and I'm gone before they can blink. My life is too dangerous now and I won't put them in danger, let alone telling them who and why I'm looking for the Joker. Back in my apartment I spread out the paper's and highlight the places I've checked for Jack, there's at least 20 on here I've yet to get to.

Sitting with a drink in my hand I stare at the papers, the words, merge together and my eyes start to sting. Most of these places are clubs or mob bases, going to be tough to check but it's nothing I'm not used to now. My head snaps towards the door as 2 loud knocks echo through the apartment. Slowly I stand up, gripping my gun. Opening the door I'm faced with a tall man, roughly 6"4, bald head and covered in tattoos head to toe.

The man promptly walks into the apartment and headbutts me, I drop my gun but bring my leg up and land a blazing roundhouse kick that rattles his skull. Swinging an arm out he punches me in the jaw, walking back I spit blood onto the floor. He walks towards me until my foot slams into his rib cage, I wrap my arms around the man's head and hold him up as I thrust several knee shots into the other's ribs. Pain explodes across the man's face as his ribs snap. His breathing becomes laboured. His legs are Jell-O. He wobbles as I swing an uppercut that sends him flying into the coffee table. He kicks a leg up landing into my chest, my breathing wavers as I stumble backwards. I shoot a back kick into his midsection with so much force that it drives him through the kitchen wall and onto the concrete floor. His body flops with a wet, fleshy thud onto the ground. My chest heaves as I look over at the man unconscious on the floor. My bones ache and my chest burns Walking to the living room I pick up my gun off the floor and walk back to the man as he starts to come round. Placing my foot onto his chest and pointing the gun at him,

"Who sent you" I wheeze,

"The guy you shot this afternoon, he doesn't take lightly to someone accusing him of lying"

I chuckle and clock the gun, "well you go back and tell him, I don't appreciate him sending idiots like you to my door to kill me."

"Only if you survive" he smirks and tries to flip me,

I move the gun swiftly and pull the trigger sending a bullet into his shoulder, lodging it between the bone,

"One more try and I empty this into your skull."
The man breathes heavily and gulps. Pulling him roughly up by the collar I throw him out the door and down a flight of stairs,

"Make sure you tell him that Ronin is coming for him."

The man scrambles away and I rush back into the apartment grabbing all my stuff, packing it into a rucksack and leaving the building. Jumping onto my bike, I go to the only place I can think of right now. Back to the warehouse.

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