Chapter 5

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Joker's POV (A couple days before the last chapter)

Standing on the charred remains of the warehouse on 250 52nd Street. The smell of melting tar and gasoline still lingering in the air. The walls had long since crumbled and in their place stood thick beams of wood, blackened and charred from where the flames had licked at them. In the center I moved the rubble, clearing a small circle. I place a wooden chair down along with a small white envelope on the seat. I know she's looking for me, but I don't want her to. She shouldn't of abandoned her life, dedicating it to finding me. When I made the decision to protect her and leave her there I would describe my heartache as like an insatiable fire that burnt all the oxygen in my body leaving me listless and empty. But now it is more like a thin layer of ice, cooling my insides, a gentle reminder of the pain that came before and a warning not to stoke that fire again. They say once bitten, twice shy, but I think for me it's more like forever shy. I can't let her find me, I don't think I can survive another inferno. Without another thought I turned, walking away. The letter on that seat was the final clue, one that would lead her away from me, forever. 

Unknown's POV (present)

Walking into the crumbling building, Devyn's heart felt heavy. She felt sad, hurt but most of all guilt, it was clear as day on her face. The grief surged with every expelled breath, always reaching higher peaks, never sufficiently soothed by her long intakes of the damp spring air. Tears began to spill from her helpless eyes onto the burnt brick and wood. Her gaze fell from the roof down to the mountained floor. In that moment the sure knowledge that life would go on, time was only stopped for her, undid her completely. All pretence of quiet coping was lost and she sank to the damp  floor not caring about the water that quickly soaked her to the skin. As much as she tried to hold it in, the pain came out like an uproar from her throat in the form of a silent scream. The beads of water started falling down one after another, without a sign of stopping. She hit the floor and tried to scream, but her voice was melted by the sound of the place. The muffled sobs wracked against her chest. The world turned into a blur, and so did all the sounds. The taste. The smell. Everything was gone. The last painful emotion slammed against her before she lost the feeling of feeling. Everything darkened into nothingness as she passed into the oblivion of unconsciousness.

I watched the figure standing in the corner as they watched as she cried her self unconcious, hands balled tight into fists. He wanted to walk away, he knew he should. But his feet wouldn't move. Well not in the direction he wanted them to. He swung her up in his strong arms as if the young woman was nothing more than a ragdoll and pocketed the envelope. Her head rolled back between her shoulder blades as he carried her to his car. Laying her gently across the back seats. I watched them go, soft splashing water droplets hit the car windows as the man drove onwards. The skies are overhung with a blanket of grey, so much so that he could barely tell the difference between the sky and clouds. Jumping down from one of the few beams still entact I smiled to myself, knowing she would be okay. I knew he would come back to her. 

Stealthily I began to approach the house. I stood by the window. I heard humming upstairs. Alfred was awake. He quietly opened the door. The room was empty quietly I crossed the hall, 

"Ahh Bruce you're home"

I freeze in the hall, sighing as my head dropped, 

"He found her, she was sobbing in the warehouse where we lost Rachel and he took her with him"

"I knew he would"Alfred hums, 

Looking at him I smiled through teary eyes, 

"Come on, lets go to the kitchen and I'll make you something to drink"

Nodding I followed him down the hall.  

Devyn's POV

I awoke to soft sheets, and the morning light trickled in through the blinds. Everything is blurry. I don't know how I got in this bed, or in these clothes. I slowly sit up. My muscles felt weak, just like my energy. Swinging my legs over the bed I want to stand but for the moment my legs have given way to gravity, shaky, weak. Looking down I take noitce of what I was actually wearing. An old checked shirt with two buttons missing and baggy jeans that had seen better days. Foul smell of cigarette smoke and stale beer. Grimacing I looked around the room. It was basic, a double bed, a set of drawers, a battered dark carpet and a window to the right of me. The walls were brown and patchy. Taking a few shaky steps I wobble pover to the window. Looking out I see a farm, fields and fields in front and to the sides. Tractors and other farm euipment scattered across the front. Howver there are no animals, barel any noise. I'm on the second floor. Then it hits me, I've been kidnapped. Scanning the room there's nothing to defend myself with and o where I can hide and I can't jump out of the window. Listening I can't hear anything. Gulping I decided to take the chance, moving towards the door. My hands tremble and my eyes water as I reach my hand towards the door knob. Something was going to be behind there and it was anything but good. My body feels hot and sweat starts trickling down my neck. I grip it tightly and twist it. With every move I make, I get more and more terrified. My breath quickens as I hear the creaking of the floor boards outside. The handle turns from the outside. Jumping back I stand, staring at the door. Slowly the door opens, a tall figure walks through. I couldn't quiet see their face until the sun shined on them. My heart was poudning in my ears as I staggered backward, my mind swirling, breaths shallow until I fell in a heap to the floor, 


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