Chapter 7

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Devyn's POV

"How are your friends doing?"Jack asks, I lay with my back agaisnt his chest on the bed, 

I freeze up slighlty, my thorat tight, eyes stinging, 

"I..I havne't spoke to them..not since that night.."

He moves his head around so he can look at me, his brows furrowed together, 

"but they were your best friends.."

"I couldn't put them in that danger"

Jack chuckles and I feel it vibrate against my back, 

"Oh the irony of that, now you're starting to sound like me doll."

I smile slightly, "I suppose I am.."

"You should go see them, even if its just to explain to them whats happened in the past 2 years.."

"I don't want them to get hurt and what will they think?"

He pulls my face to look me at me with his finger, "I think they'll forgive you and be fine because they love you and probably miss you very much, and they work for the GCPD I doubt they will get harmed"He finishes, pressing a kiss to my lips, 

Turning I wrap my arms around him and his embrace was warm, and his big, strong arms seemed very protective when wrapped around my small body. The world around me melted away as I squeezed him back, not wanting the moment to end. He tapped my bag as he moved to get him, 

"C'mon doll, I'll drive you to the city"


As the car engine sung to the lone country roads, I relished the roaring winds that twirled in my copper hair and whistled in my ears. But I couldn't help but miss the buzz from my bike. The time it took to get to the city was too short, it seemed to go quicker than it should. We pulled up beside Shane's apartment and I took a deep breath. All the reasons not to do this come flooding in, as if my body chemistry just sent them a blanket invitation. I feel the soft panic that can grow or fade depending on what I do next. It will fade if I back away, but then I have to do this all again another time. It will grow if I let these thoughts swirl into a vortex of stupidity, eating their own tail. Or I can breathe real slow, let the thoughts leak into the ether and be the real boss of me. Jack's hand on mine ripped me from my thoughts, looking at his face his eyes made the nerves dissolve, 

"Go in, doll. I'll be back for you in 2 hours."

"I love you"I whisper pressing a quick peck on his lips, 

As I pulled away he growled slightly, putting a hand on the back of my neck to pull me in for a longer one. Laughing I pulled away again and got out the car. I heard the tires screetch as I stepped inside the block. Grasping the hand rail my hands shook uncontrolably. I could feel my throat get tighter with each step. Pausing I closed my eyes and took a breath. reaching the second floor. Turning down the hall I quickly got to his door. It was strange, being here again after so long. Despite how long I'd been away, I still remembered everything about the place; the blue paint on the door, the soft chattering in the hall that reminded me of summer afternoons. The blue paint had faded since I had last seen it, but I still recognized it. It looked like the color of the sky before a bad storm.

I walked up to the door and raised my hand to knock, but I stopped. I took a deep breath, and forced myself to hit the door. I heard the knockingecho sound coming from inside, and someone running to get the door. Shane opens the door and his face falls in shock and disbelief, 

Embracing me in a tight hug, I was suddenly unsure why I hadn't returned in so long. 

"Where have you been?"He sobbed into my shoulder, 

Tears slipped from my eyes as I gripped him tight, "I'm so sorry..I was protecting you, I couldn't tell you anything.."I croaked, 

Pulling away he cupped my faceing me directly in the eyes, 

"Devyn there is nothing, and I mean nothig you can't tell me no matter what it is, I will always be here, there is nothing you could do to make me go away.. I love you"

He sighs, smiling at me sadly. There was kindness in his smile, a gentleness. It was the smile of one who laughed with ease and saw a person under the behaviour, a soul-connector. He was the kind of person who lived how he believed people should, as if he were sunshine that only radiated from the best aspects of those he met, their flaws entirely invisible to his gaze. He was a calm sea, dancing birdsong and the new buds of spring. Yet, most of all, he was my best friend. My lip trembles and I fall into him. Holding him tight.

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