Chapter 12

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Unknown POV


I struggle to my feet, gritting at the pain in my chest,

"JACK!", I call out again,

All I'm greeted with is silence. I limp out to the main hall and see the door wide open. Quickly going back to the second lounge I grab Jack's jacket and my phone and head upstairs. Moving quickly to the bathroom I rip off my shirt once again and fill the sink with soapy water. I rush; washing my face, hands and neck. Drying off I pull a green tank top over my head, pruple ripped leggings and jacks jacket on. Ruffling up my hair and shoving some dark eye make up and red lip stick on, I look in the mirror and grin.

Pulling out my phone I dial the one persons number who I knew could help me right now.

??? - Hello?

Devyn - I need your help.

??? - Devyn...? But I was told you're dead...

Devyn - Nope I'm well and truly alive but stuck in this house and Jack has gone after Jamie.

??? - I'm tracking your phone signal now, I'll come and get you, you want me or...?

Devyn - I think we will need Batman for this one.

Bruce - Location locked, you're on the edge of the city, close to the manor, now gearing up

Devyn - Thank you, oh and one thing?

Bruce - Yes?

Devyn - Don't tell anyone I'm alive.

Bruce - I won't. See you soon, Devyn

I hang up and limp to the kitchen, grabbing my cigarettes and lighter I limp to the front door and sit down on the edge. Pulling one of the sticks out I put it between my lips and light it, pulling the nicotine into my lungs. I close my eyes and take it in, breathing out slowly, my head focused.

The roar of the batpod breaks me from the trance I'm in and I stand, stubbing my cigarette out as the roof of the batpod shrinks back, revealing Bruce sat in the suit but no helmet,


I nod and walk over to the batpod. bruce gets out and pulls me into a hug, I hiss at the pain in my chest, he jumps back,

"I may not be dead but at bullet at close range even with a vest on still does some damage.."I chuckle, pulling my top slightly to show the bruise,

"That's how you survived?!"

I nodded and smiled. Bruce carefully picked me up and spun me around, "amazing girl!"

I chuckled again,

"wait so Jack doesn't know you're alive?"

"No which is why we need to act fast"

He nods and puts his helmet on; I jump into the seat next to him and soon we're speeding off into the city. It was nearing darkness by the time we got to the city, so we could blend in better, thankfully,

"so where are we actually headed?"Bruce asks,

"Pull over somewhere"

The car slides and skids into a nearby alley, covered by the darkness,

"so you said you were told I was who?"

"I was listening on the radios when I call came out and I heard it, I tapped into the personal intercoms...Shane called Gordon and told him, Jamie is in the hospital under the guard of four police officers."He explains,

I nod and look away, "So we go to the hospital"

Bruce starts the engine with no hesitation and soon we're racing to the newly built Gotham General.

Shane's POV

I pace back and forth in the office,

"Kid, sit down you're giving me a headache!"Gordon's voice bellows,

"I can't just sit down while Devyn's body is laying in a house somewhere and The Joker is out there!"I bellow,

Gordon stands and pulls me by the collar to face him, "Pacing back and forth in the office will do you no good! You'll end up losing it!"

I gulp and nod, he lets me go, "now go sit with Millie...god knows she needs it right now"

I slowly walk over to where Millie was sat on the floor staring down at her hands. Carefully I sit next to her, placing my hands over hers, I hear a sniffle as her head rests on my shoulder,

"I'm sorry..."I whisper,

"I know.."Her voice croaks when she talks, "I don't know how much more of this I can take Shane..."

"I know...I know..."I run my hand through her hair, "..we still don't know if she's actually dead.."

"If she weren't we would have heard from her by now"

"maybe..maybe not..have hope"

She looks up at me and I wipe a tear from her face, "one last hope" she sighs.

Devyn's POV

"whats your plan can't just waltz in there dressed like that and not to mention you're supposedly dead"

"I have a plan, just stay here and wait for me, if I need you I'll call you"

He nods and I get out sneaking around the back. I pull the gun from where it was tucked in m trousers and I spot a nurse outside on a cigarette break; walking up behind her I hit her in the head and she falls to the ground, I pull her into the building and into a bathroom. In a stall I take her nurses jacket and put it on, along with her trousers, locking the stall behind me. I straighten out my hair and walk through the hospital. It only takes me 5 minutes to find the ward Jamie is on and I knock and walk-in. Luckily the officers are from out of town and don't recognise me,

"Excuse me, officers, would you give me some time to run my tests, you can wait outside"

They look at me weirdly,

"But they were only done 15 minutes ago..?"

I gulp and nod, "yes but we need to run them again, I am very sorry"

They shrug and leave the room. I breathe deep and look over at Jamie, who was asleep. I sat on the bed next to him, his eyes shot open and I pressed the barrel of the gun to his forehead,

"Ah! Shhhh"I smirked.

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