Chapter 10 P.t. 2

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Devyn's POV

Where is Jack?!

Standing quickly I grab my phone and jacket. I swung the door open and covered my mouth to stop the gasp. There were blood marks all over the walls, splatters, hand prints. My gut sank as I quietly crept across the landing towards the stairs. Placing my hand onto the rail I grimaced as I felt the cold and sticky blood dripping from the rail. Pulling my hand away I manage to get down the stairs. I stood still and listened.

Silence. The eerie quiet that followed amplified the ringing of my ears. Swallowing my fear I walked further into the back of the house; I glanced at the front door and noted it down for later in my head. Grabbing a knife off the kitchen counter I carried on walking. Stopping dead in my tracks as a gunshot goes off, I fight the scream of surprise that rises in my throat and grip the knife harder; forcing my legs to move.

The stale blood on my fingers making it hard to keep a good grip on the knife, there was no use in switching hands as the handle is already coated red by now. Nearing the door to the second lounge I could hear muffled talking, it sounded angry...sounded broken. I carefully pressed my ear against the door and focused hard to listen.

" took her from me!"

"I? ahaha! she was never yours in the first place!"


I flinched, "yes she was! before you came barging into her life, messing things up, messing her up!"

Then there was giggling, then laughter; full brown manic laughter. and I grinned. A smirk curling up on my lips as I backed away slowly. Walking back through the kitchen I left the knife back on the side. Walking to the front of the building and grasping the handle, turning slowly, almost too slowly; grinning harder and harder. The rush filling me, the thrill!

Leaving the door open I walked over to the garage by the side of the building. The door already open enough for me to crawl under, quietly and unseen. The smell of metal and gunpowder filling my nose, filling me like a drug.I giggle lowly as I open one of the boxes. My eyes widening as my hands reaching for the contents. It was as if the disease of my mind had manifested in my hands as a gun. It was that genocidal impulse that was always in the hominids, the impulse that love cures and indifference magnifies.

I grab the neck halter and place it around my shoulders, loading up two pistols and placing them in. Strapping the second halter to my thigh I place another fully loaded gun inside. Stuffing some extra bullets into my pockets I grab one of my favourites; the AK-74. Adding one more thing I carefully sneak back out and back into the house.

I could still hear the arguing from the room, although louder. So I go around the otherside and hope that who ever is there isn't facing the other door which is slightly open. Enough for me to creep up behind them. Loading the rifle I take a deep breath; waiting...

"What do you want from her?!"A voice shouts, and I use that to creep in behind the person, putting the gun to their back,

I take a second to look around me, Jack is on his knees, blood on his mouth and teeth as he grins, blood all over his shirt but I couldn't see if he was seriously hurt anywhere. There were two other men, all in black with white masks on beside him. They move but I'm quicker, pulling one of the pistols from my halter I fire one bullet at each with one hand, their bodies thud to the floor, blood soaking the white carpet. Jack cackles and it echos throughout the room. Pressing the gun to the mans temple in front of me and turning I look at him. His body stiff but he was dressed as the others, all in black but white mask,

"who are you."I growl,

"The one person you wouldn't have the guts to kill"The voice is smooth and I can hear the smirk,

My blood runs cold,

"How did you find me"I hiss,

"Wait you know him?"Jack asks,

I don't look back, "You don't recognise the voice?"


"Wasn't splitting your mouth enough for you to understand?"VMy voice laced with hate, I grip the handle and press it harder to his skull,

"A mere cut after some stitches"The man cackles,

My lip curls up in a snarl. I reach a hand up and rip the mask away and spit in his face. He flinches slightly. Swiftly I kick his legs, he falls to his knees looking up at me; as he gasps I use the opportunity to shove the barrel of the gun into his mouth, watching as he winces as the stitches rip open,

"What gives you any fucking idea that I won't pull this trigger and blow your brains all over the wall, RIGHT NOW?!"

He grins and points behind me, "that"

I turn my head to see another two men holding Jack down and another pulling his hair back, knife against his throat. My eyes widen and my chest heaves,

"let him go."I snarl, pulling the gun away from his mouth but under his chin,

"Or what sweetheart?" He snickered, "You can't do a thing, you shoot me and my boys slice his throat open like a turkey on thanksgiving"

In that second I take a chance. Dropping the rifle away from me I yank both pistols from the halter, spin and shoot. My heart pounds as I look, all three men dead, I grin, until there's a gun against my back. Jack looks at me, genuine worry and fear in his eyes. My heart sinks,

"You're not getting out of this one!"The man cackles.

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