-Ranboo or Carl?-

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1rst chapter pog !!

Requested: yes pog pog

Setting: Techno's cabin/ mysterious white room

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Setting: Techno's cabin/ mysterious white room

Possible triggers:
• Panic (don't know if this is a trigger but just incase)
• describing pain/being hurt
• Unconsciousness
• General sadness

Other notes: None for now <3

                {-< Ranboo POV >-}

Ranboo was walking Steve because he hadn't been out in a few days. After all he was a polar bear- domesticated but he still needed some form of exercise.

As they were walking, Ranboo was feeling a bit paranoid. He had no idea why though, it's not like he was being followed? (Aha ha) Paranoia isn't any more irrational than rational though so there is a chance his gut was trying to tell him something.

That something he decided to ignore. That was a mistake.

With zero sound and no preparation for what was about to happen it was suddenly dark. Not completely dark, but more like something had been put over his head.

Immediately thinking of the worst possible result of this situation, Ranboo began to hyperventilate. The mysterious item on his head not helping with his breathing one bit. Not getting air and panickedly (idk if that's a word but whatever) losing all of it, his vision began to fade. He didn't want this to be the way he went out. Fighting with consciousness, he eventually gave in after a pathetic battle that lasted less than 15 seconds.

He woke up with a pounding headache but no scratches or bruises. He didn't know how he got there but now being able to think right he knew that someone had put something over his head before, so they probably took him here as well. That would make sense.

The other question is where and what is "here"? Only now looking at his surroundings, he realized he was in a box of some sort. The rest of the room was pure white and it hurt his eyes. Above him in the glass box was a tube of sorts, it was the only other not white thing in the room.

"I see you've woken up."

Ranboo startled and flinched at the sudden noise that filled his ears. The acoustics in the room were great though, you've gotta give it that-


"Hello Ranboo. I've got to leave for a second but I will be back."

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