-We all love happy endings-

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Absolutely adorable art by: _I1_b1_ on instagram :D

Requested: no
Setting: Near Technos cabin (basically for the whole thing)

Trigger warnings for this chapter:
• Crying/panic attack type thing
• Negative thoughts
• Blood

A/N: Mostly all of this was written by my husband/p K_C_Gamer so I highly recommend going and reading their book before this one. I just turned the original story into a happy ending because the original way it ended was unsatisfactory </3

{-<Techno POV>-}

The two of us had gone on a stroll, it was the first time I had seen and or talked to ranboo in a few days.

He has been home less and less over the last month, I didn't know where he had been going, I never bothered to ask. Of course, I missed Ranboos company, but he had more important stuff to do than being confined to his room in this biome away from everyone else.

The younger was mindlessly talking to everyone and no one at the same time. Occasionally in the past Ranboo would bring up Tubbo here and there but now the government was the only thing that he would talk about.

Adventures they went on, conversations they had, arguments they had, plans for the future, Michael.

Michael was the only topic I had any interest in, apparently, he found him alone in the nether and brought him home with the help of a few friends. What a way to spend valentines day, rescuing an orphan.

You did the same thing

You say that as if you did something on valentines day


I hate valentines day


Kill him

Kill Michael and Tubbo, then you'll have your son back

You're being replaced, that's the cost for getting attached Blade

Blood for the blood god

Hah the Blade is being replaced yet again


Kill him kill them all

Blood, blood, blood

Kill Tubbo, kill the government

Kill Tubbo! Get your son back, he won't have to know it was you

Get rid of the government

Youre being replaced

Kill Tubbo

Kill Ranboo

(Switch to third person)

The voices chanted inside his head, most demanding for him to kill Tubbo. He hated it, but it had been considered. Why couldn't he just be happy for Ranboo?

He squeezed his eyes shut and tried to drown out the voices. They only got louder, all of them demanding blood, Tubbos blood, maybe Michaels, at times even Ranboos blood.

"Shut up shut up shut up!" He whisper shouted to himself clenching his hair and almost ripping it out of his skull.

He could hear only 3 things; the voices, louder than anything else, his heartbeat he could feel it pounding faster and faster the louder the voices got, and Ranboo, going on about Tubbo and how great of a friend he was.

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