-What if I'm the antagonist-

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Art credits for today go to vania_melodyta on Instagram (actual art will be at the end of the chapter)

Requested: no
Setting: Ranboo's/Tubbo's house, the woods, the prison

Trigger warnings (Do not ignore!!):
• Major TW for derealization
• Blood
• Fighting/weapons/gore

Other notes: This is based off a comic from an artist on instagram so I will be showing the full comic at the end, I also highly recommend you go and check the artist out and give them a follow (: (also don't mind that this was from April 💀 it took me a long time to get to)

                  {-<Tubbo POV>-}

Quickly grabbing the boy and placing the weapon over his throat, Dream watched as Tubbo struggled against his hold. His face flashed with horror as he realized what was about to happen.

It all played out so quickly, hearing Tommy shout his name, the cold blade pressing into his skin, one of his arms being freed from Dreams grasp...

Tubbo took the chance and tried to get Dream off by elbowing him with his now free arm.

He fell back onto the floor along with the sword and Dreams mask... He tried to salvage the situation while keeping his face hidden, reaching for the mask he looked up and locked eyes with Tubbo.

No no no no... it couldn't be- he thought as he stared back at a face he recognized... the green and red eyes looked like they were peering into his soul, the one person he trusted most was the one who had tried to kill him... Ranboo

He jolted up opening his eyes to see it was just a dream. (But I thought it was Ranboo? 🤨/j) looking around the familiar room he saw Ranboo standing there with a glass of water.

"Tubbo, you ok? You look worried about something." He asked

"I'm fine, it was just another nightmare."

"Again? What happened in this one?"

"It was when we were in Dreams disc room.. he almost killed me but I was able to get free and knock his mask off- but when he was looking for it we locked eyes and..."


"And- it was you instead"

The glass Ranboo was holding fell to the floor and shattered making a crash sound.

"It was very str- You ok Ranboo?" He asked looking at the now fear stricken boy

He shook his head and looked back up snapping out of whatever just happened.

"Oh! Yeah I'm ok."

"Why did that freak you out so much, I'm the one who had the nightmare?" He looked confused

"I don't know.. and uh, sorry about the broken glass I'll clean it up real quick"

"Oh that's ok, I'm going to go back to bed so goodnight!"

"Night Tubbo."

{-<Ranboo POV>-}

I walked into the kitchen and sat down and began to think.

When I was in the panic room, Dream said I helped him... or wait- me? I had the tnt and everything... I blew up the community house, I helped Dream get the tnt, in the process helping Techno and Tommy, but I was also helping tubbo- but Dream too and- and- in the end I guess I really was helping everyone which in turn was hurting everyone...

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