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hey my name is Dom, short for nothing, it's just Dom. I have brownish blonde hair with blue eyes. i'm 6'3 and muscular , i weight 200 pound and can bench press 300 pounds. people would describe me has scary or intimidating but in actuality i'm a pretty laid back guy.

the only reason people think i'm scary/intimating is because i look tough and i got only really intimidating in the bed room. i wouldnt say im mean to my partners but i do like to tease them , and see them squirm a little. im bi with a male lean, i like a person who won't just give into my commands and i find guys to be much more fun to make a mess out of.

I'm moving to a new school which wasn't new since we moved every few years because of my parents business , i never had any friends at my last school . everybody knew who i was but never approached me, everyone would always just watch me from afar. i didnt mind that though because i don't really like people anyways, i rather be alone vaping somewhere.

i'm an only child because i was a high risk pregnancy, meaning that me or my mother might not have made it . so after i was born my father got my mothers toobs tide , to make sure she would never get pregnant again . don't get my dad wrong he loves me and just kids in general but my mother means everything to him and he couldn't risk getting her pregnant again. my father owns a huge toilet paper company, and when Carona hit the comanay blew up he went from a millionaire to a billionaire in a few months

i have a pretty nice house for an 18 year old, it has 6 bedrooms,4 bathrooms,2 kitchens one upstairs and one in the basement and a separate garage. i also have 2 cars, one ferrari and one Bugatti La Voiture Noire. there the most expensive things i own.

my ferrari was gifted to me for my 16th birthday and the Bugatti La Voiture Noire was given to me for my 18TH birthday. i'm not some middle aged weirdo so they don't have weird girly names.

i think that's all you guys need to know about me... so yeah.

*Dom's Pov*

"BEEP BEEP BEEP" i hit my alarm clock over the head for being an annoying little bitch. i then turn over and drift off back to sleep.

*10 minute later*

"BEEP BEEP BEEP* i groan and get out of bed, i then take my alarm clock amd throw it out my window , if you havent noticed already i'm not a morning person at all. i wish school started at 12pm instead of 8:30am . i slowly walk to my washroom and take a shit. i then wash my face to get the sleep out of my eyes. i hear my phone ringing so i run back into my room to check whos calling. it was my mom so i picked up.

"hey sweety , i was just calling to make sure ,you where up and getting ready for school" "yeah im up mom, i'm not a child i don't need you calling me sweetie"i grumbled "aw you might not be a child but yall always be my little baby Dom" i couldn't help the smile that made it onto my face from her sweet words "ok mom i need to get dressed now, or ill be late for my first day at my new hell" i hear my mother chuckle from the other side of the phone " ok text me after school ends , i love you" "i love you too mom" i hung up the phone and started to get dressed i really would be late if i kept dilly dallying .

after getting dressed in a louis vuitton tracksuit i fill my dog blazers food bowl and head out the house. i choose that i would drive my Bugatti La Voiture Noire today so i hopped in, started the car and drove off. has i was on my way to school i remembered that i hadn't eaten breakfast so i did a quick pit stop at mcdonalds , i got pancakes since nothing else looked good and drove to school while eating and listening to demi lovato , she's such a bad bitch . there's no shame in admitting it .

has i pulled up to the school i notice three things, forone everybody looked boring, then i noticed that the school was built like a college campus , it was gonna be a maze to get around and three i swear i saw an angle, i had only had a glance at him threw his car window but he was gorgeous, he took my breath away. i parked and my car was instantly swarmed by people i was used to it , i did have a very expensive car .

once i stepped out the vehicle a girl with blonde hair and blue eyes came up to me " hey!!!! my name britney and i was wondering if i could have your number !!!" i looked at her with the most natural face i could muster and said "no" i then walked passed her because i had spotted the boy from earlier looking at me. he didnt seem to notice i was in front of him already . so i wanted to test the waters. "hey what's your name?" i asked him in a deeper voice than usual, i saw him slightly shiver which made a smirk crawl on to my face.

He finally looked up at me and i heard his breath hitch , this was going to be fun, very fun~

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JHJSJHSJSHJSHSJ ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️🌺🌺🌺🌺♥️🌺♥️🌺♥️♥️♥️♥️🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺♥️🌺♥️♥️🌺🌺 this will be one of Doms only pov's becuase this story is centered around our coucky little bean namd Leon. kiss kiss fall in love do do do do do do do do♥️♥️♥️♥️🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺♥️🌺♥️🌺♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺♥️♥️♥️♥️

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