✨sleep over✨

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(A/N y'all will understand the picture later in the chapter kinda)


(Ethan's Pov)

Leon was coming over for our weekly sleepover and i was really excited. yeah we have one every week but this one was gonna be special. i had added his little boyfriend on instagram inviting him to the sleepover.

y'all might be wondering why i did that , well me and Leon have this tradition where we test the others new love in several categories, such as. looks,wealth,personality,smarts, physical strength and loyalty . yes some of the categories are... shallow but i need to make sure my best friend has the best sorry not sorry.

at the moment i'm sitting on my couch waiting for Leon to get here so i can tell him what's in store for the sleepover. in the night garden was on my tv and i was starting to fall asleep. that show always puts me right out.

before i could fully fall asleep i heard the doorbell ring . that must be Leon. i got up and opened the front door and to my surprise it wasn't Leon but Dom. "what are you doing here? i told you to come at 7:30 nothing's set up yet" i was frustrated because nothing was ready yet and he decided to come 3 HOURS early. who does that.

"i was bored and decided to come early. where's Leon?" he peered over my shoulders trying to see inside the house. i was getting annoyed at his attitude, is this the guy Leon really wants to give his butt virginity too? he is already failing the personality part of the boyfriend test.

"he's not here yet." i said with an eye roll. i dont know whats wrong with me but after i found out that him and Leon started dating i can't stand to look at the guys face and every thing he does is annoying to me now. i know my Leon can do way better than this guy. all he has is looks and daddy's money. hes gonna have to try harder than that for me to just let him date my best friend.

"why are you two weirdos just standing at the door" Leon said with a chuckle...LEON! "hey babe" Dom said then went up and kissed Leon. how repulsive i didnt even get my kiss from Leon yet and here he is sucking his face off.

(Leon's Pov)

i pulled up to Ethan's house and saw Dom and Ethan standing at the front door, why was Dom here? "why are you two weirdos just standing at the door" i said with a chuckle. "hey babe" dom said and kissed me, he pulled away and i could see a look of disgust on Ethans face. "what?" he didnt answer and just walked away. what crawled up his dick and died. he never ignores me.

me and Dom followed E inside and upstairs to his room. "well nothing's ready for the boyfriend test because he came early" Ethan says pointing at Dom. "is that really why your mad? stop being a big baby" i said with a laugh i then went up and hugged E because i felt like he needed one. "id feel better if you gave me kisses." he said with a pout . "COUGH COUGH" i turned around and Dom didnt look happy . "well damn i totally forgot you were here, can you step out of the room for a minute we like to kiss in private " Ethan admits which makes me hit him on the shoulder.

"well he's dating me now so you guy are no longer aloud to kiss" Dom says has he pulled me into his arms . "wow so far your failing on the boyfriend test. what do you not trust him enough? it's just a kiss between best friends" what was Ethan doing? he never acts like this towards any of my previous partners. " I DONT GIVE A FUCK, I SAID YOUR NOT ALOUD TO KISS EACH OTHER" i knew it wasn't directed at me but i still felt really frightened.

"hey guys why don't we all calm down and reschedule this?" i said barely above a whisper. luckily they both heard me . "FINE" "FINE" after they both agreed Dom dragged me out of the house and into his car. "wait what about my car?" i asked because i just got it back today. "i'll send one of my maid's to come and get it . problem? " he looked over at me with black eyes... "nope." i didnt argue because he seemed really mad almost on the verge of killing somebody.

(812 words)

🌺♥️🌺♥️♥️🌹🌺🌹♥️🌺🌹♥️🌹🌹🌺♥️🌹🌺🌹♥️🌹🌺🌹♥️🌹🌺🌹♥️🌹i've been listening to this really good song it called. you cant rais a man. MY GOD ITS SO GOOD.🌺 ♥️🌹🌺♥️🌹🌺♥️🌹🌺🌹♥️🌹🌺🌹♥️🌺♥️🌹🌺🌹♥️🌹🌺✨♥️✨🌺🌹♥️✨🌺✨

a little to cocky.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant