Where In This Together

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i was in class smiling about what happened this morning with Dom, he probably thought he had me wrapped around his finger . i wish i could have seen his face when he realized i wasn't there anymore it would have been priceless.

"Leon did you complete the letter to your teacher assignment that i assigned yesterday?" why does this old bitch always ask me first!, my name starts with L so idk why im always the first one she asks for homework. " sorry Ms Pierce but i was away yesterday , so i had no knowledge of such assignment" i had to play nice since im already in trouble with my parents.

"then i guess you'll just have to tell me things about yourself right here right now in front of the whole class" she says with a smirk. i frow my eyebrows because isn't this fucking math class? why are we talking about ourselves , teachers are to damn noise " i don't think that's necessary Ms Peirce, this is my third year being in one of your classes.

what could i say that you already don't know?" that smirk dropped right off of her face, has it should . "your right i guess i already know that your gay and that you also sleep with anyone and everyone" i was shocked. isn't this illegal to just out a student like this!!!? my school isn't homophobic but they stay away from lgbtq+ people. i haven't told anybody at school i was bi and now the whole class know's!!!

i looked around the class room and everybody was staring at me and whispering among themselves , i felt myself hyperventilating , and the class room started to spin . i had to get out of here so i took my bag and ran out the class.

i didnt get to see mrs Pierce's face but she was probably smiling from ear to ear, she never liked me.when i moved here 4 years ago my mom's told the staff that i was bi in hopes of them helping me if anybody did find out, to think how she was the one to out me, makes my blood boil.

i was running in the hallways like a headless chicken, i didnt know where i was or where i was going i was honestly letting my panic attack take the wheel. and then out of nowhere i slam into a really hard chest. i was panicking so i didnt care who it was."i-i-i i'm sorry i didn't see.

i was running but then i turned the corner but the reason i was running was, oh but you probably don't care , sorry again i just having a really ba-" "what the hell happened!?" i looked up and it was Dom i had run into... i dropped to me knees and broke down in tears. my breath still hasn't calmed down from running so much so i was hiccuping and my nose was runny i probably look a mess right now.

Dom picked me up bridal style and held me close to him has he walked us out of the school. i felt so warm and safe with him. he walked us to his car and tried placing me in the passenger seat. he tried to let me go but i made sure to show him my displeasure in that "NO!" i struggled to hold onto him he was like my life support and i though if i let him go i would die.

but because of the position he was carrying me in it was hard to hold onto him. " Leon calm down , i'm going to be right beside you buddy" i looked at him in the eyes to make sure he wasn't lying to me, and i saw nothing but the truth so i stopped struggling and let him put me into the passenger seat . he quickly ran to the other side of the car and hopped in the driver's seat. he then started the car and put his hand on my thigh, i'm assuming he did it to comfort me , it did.

*10 minutes later*

i was looking out the window trying not to stare at Dom's handsome face when i realized that i didnt know where we were going. "where are you taking me " i said in a pathetic little whisper that was gonna have to go soon , i don't need him thinking im fragile and weak because that gets old real quick ." i'm taking you to my house " he said with his jaw clenched.

i wanted to lighten the mood a little " wow no dinner first?" i asked him with a smirk. "there's the Loen that we all know and want to be" " PERIODT" i said while laughing , he knew me so well and it's only been 2 days. we started talking about ourselves and turns out we have a lot incommon, we both bite our ice cream,we both pour the milk first and we both wear socks with sandals. we have a bunch of other things in common to.

(A/N and your both monsters )

we finally pull up to this big house it was almost on the verge of mansion sized . it wasn't has big as my house but it was still big. as we walk inside the house i notices a huge dog!!! "doggie!!!" i ran over to him and started hugging and petting him. i loved dogs but both of my parents are allergic to them "blazer outside!" the dogs whose name i know now has blazer ran out side the house. i raised my eyebrow at Dom and walked over to him

"don't tell me your jealous over your own dog" i said with a giggle. he wrapped his arms around my waist and picked me up like it was nothing, he then ran us up stairs into what i'm going to assume to be his room. "is this your room? its nice." "there all my room. this is my house" he said. WHAT!? "what about your parents?" i asked not believing him. "they have there own house a few miles away" damn i new he was rich because of his car but dang.

he put me down on his bed and dranged a bean bag chair from the corner of his room to sit in front of me .he got serious and his facial expression hardened "so why where you crying?" i tensen at the question. "well you probably don't know her but my teacher told the whole class i was gay just because i didnt do the homework" i said in one breath.

i saw him physically tense "ISN'T THAT ILLEGAL!" "that's what i thought to but anyways the whole class just started staring at me and whispering so i panicked and ran out the classroom with whatever dignity i had left " i said with a sigh. Dom came up and hugged me, it was firm and warm the perfect kind of hug with meaning behind it.

"i'll get her fired" i couldn't help the i laugh i let out "that's not gonna reverse time , the whole schools still gonna know by tomorrow, and my perfect reputation will be flushed down the drain" i let my eyes fill up with tears again but i wasn't gonna let these ones fall, i worked really hard to gain popularity and statis in the school and now i'll just be called the gay kid for the rest of the year .

Dom wasn't saying anything so i looked over in his direct and his lips crashed into mine i closed my eyes melting into the kiss. he licked me bottom lip asking for entrance which i happily gave him again, he moved fully on top of me and started grind down on me which made both of us groan into the kiss. and then i heard a "SNAP" i open my eye's and looked to the side and saw Dom's phone in his and.

"why did you take a picture of us kissing?" i asked him, i wasn't mad just confused. "because if everybody at schools gonna judge you for liking guys then they're all gonna have to judge me to because i'm posting this on all me sociales" he said with a heart warming smile. i felt my cheeks heat up and i felt like kissing him again. "you know what Dom" i said looking at him with a sly smile. "what " he asked with an amused smirk on his face .

"i am interested"

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