It's Me And You Against The World

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(Author's POV)

The mistress of darkness (more commonly known as Maleficent) woke up feeling ill on a hard, cold, wooden floor. She couldn't recall any events of the night before. She could remember meeting a guy in a bar, then taking his hand. But how had she got on the floor of what looked like a small castle? She stood up carefully and looked around the room. It really was a tiny castle. Maleficent noticed some oak stairs in the center of the room. She slowly walked over and reached for the banister and clung to it. Boy, did she feel terrible. When she arrived on the bottom floor she heard a soft snoring noise coming from the corner of the room. She turned to the sound to see a tall, familiar looking, blue haired man sleeping on a couch. She realised who he was and went over to him, snuggling into him. He put his arm around her and held her close to his body. 'My M.' he muttered softly. She remembered the night now. He had taken her to his place, where they had made out all night. (only they went a bit further than made out.) Hades held Maleficent closer and crashed his lips onto hers. 'Listen Hade. I've got to go now. But I'll be round at your place at 7, yeah?' Maleficent said, gently pulling away from him. 'Yeah. See ya there.' Hades looked happy and smug as Maleficent left his castle.

(Maleficent's POV)

I left his castle feeling happy and ill. Mostly ill though. Must have had a lot to drink the night before. I remember Hades drinking tons more than me but he has basically an iron constitution. Whereas mine is more like sponge. I took the short route home, the hidden one, where no one can see me. If they saw me coming out of Hades place they would think I've gone soft. Which, I haven't. I really haven't. I know it seems like I've gone soft because of what I'm like with Hades. But anyway, I haven't. The only reason I don't treat him like anyone else but he's special. Well, he's not really. But he means a lot to me. And he's an amazing kisser. Not that I've kissed him or anything. OK fine. Maybe Ive kissed him 1 or 2 or 27 times. But you know, who's counting? We've only been married for 5 months, but we've been together for 3 years. Wow that's alot. But you know, best 3 years, 5 months of my life.

(Hades POV)

When she left the room I felt a sudden sorrow that we couldn't live together yet. We had to wait until my castle sold, which it hasn't. We'll, it hasn't yet. I can't wait for tonight. Maybe she'll want to go all the way. Then again, maybe not. She did say that she wants to take things slowly. But then why make out with me everytime she sees me, I will never know. That's one thing she's amazing at. Making out. I know for a fact that I'm her first husband (and she's my first wife) but she is the best kisser I've ever met. She beat any Princess in a kissing competition, I just know she would. When she kisses you she throws her lips onto yours, twirling her tongue around. It sounds really gross but it's AMAZING. Anyway, after she left I decided to clean the castle up a bit as there were achohol bottle everywhere. I didn't know we'd had that much to drink. I feel fine. A little tired, but all in all, OK. Maleficent looked pretty ill though. Poor her. I know she can't really drink alot without feeling bad. And we certainly drank more than 'a lot' last night.

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