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(p.s this takes place sometime after Ben proposes to Mal)

(Mal POV)

'Can I open my eyes yet?' I questioned as Ben tightned his grip over my eyes. 'Not yet. I just need to set it up....' Ben trailed off as I heard multiple bangs and clicks and cracks. 'I really wish I'd done this beforehand.... There!' He exclaimed with a beaming smile on his face as I opened my eyes to reveal a telescope. 'Um thanks? Best wedding present ever. Thankyou Ben.' I said whilst trying to sound like I was really enthusiastic about telescopes. 'Look through the telescope.' Ben laughed as I put my eye up to it. 'If I've positioned it correctly, then you will see -' He began before I interrupted him. 'My mother! In human form!' I cried in happiness. I quickly threw my arms around Ben and kissed him gently. 'You were always saying that she looked so sad as lizard. And we both know that we can't set her free in Auradon so I set her free on the Isle instead. This way you can keep in touch and she's not causing any trouble in Auradon from over there. Now do you like your wedding present?' He asked as I released him. 'Oh Ben. I love it! Thankyou thankyou thankyou! I can't wait until you can see my present for you!' I hinted teasefully. 'But you can't see it until -' I began as Ben interrupted me. 'Until our wedding day. I know, I know. Listen, I'm going to go to tourney practice now
Can I leave you here looking at your mom?' He asked me as he turned to leave. 'Sure. Have fun Ben. I love you.' I replied before he left my room.

*On the Isle of the Lost*

(Maleficent's POV)

Ouch. I stumbled. Again. I'm still not getting used to the facts that I haven't got 4 legs anymore. Not many people are around but I don't want to embarrass myself, so I snap my fingers to gesture to my henchmen to stand in front of me. They do so and I feel more confident. Many people are still gawping at me, but it's mainly because I'm well, me again. Some of them are staring because, like I said, I can't get the hang of 2 legs instead of 4. But I don't care about them. The only thing that I'm bothered about right now is finding Hades and Evilella.

(Hades POV)

Bang! Bang! Bang! Ugh. Who is it now? I am happily playing with my four year old and I am not in the mood AT All to talk to someone other than Evilella. But the person who's at the door just won't quit it. My daughter looks at me quizzically as I stomp off to answer the door. As I open it I feel as though I'm dreaming. I have dreamt of this moment many times, but I've always woken up to find myself sprawled out on my bed. 'Hade, I -' Maleficent starts just for me to cut her off as I press my body against hers. It's almost as though there's a force between our lips that is pulling us together. I place my hands on her waist, and her hands cupped my chin. As we released I felt an overwhelming joyous sensation because I was with Maleficent again. 'I've missed you so much! Since you left there hasn't been a day go by that I didn't wish to be with you.' I smile at her and she smiles back. 'I missed you too. I was nothing without you. Well, nothing but a helpless lizard in a cage in Mal' s bedroom.' She sighed and I pulled her close to me again. We had a longer kiss this time, and this one was more passionate. 'Ew.' I noticed Evilella giggle from out of the corner of my eye. Maleficent turned around and I could see her face light up as she saw the tiny child. She did look pretty cute though. With her long blue and purple locks, and her big green eyes, she could wrap any villain around her little finger. I mean, she's already got me on board. 'Hiya.' Maleficent smiled and crouched down beside her daughter. Evilella obviously didn't know who Maleficent was. Yet. 'Hewo!' Evilella cried joyfully as she smiled also. She then reached out to touch Maleficent's horns. 'You wook wike me. Only mwine are smaller.' She touched her own horns as I bent down next to them both. 'Do you know why that is though E?' I asked as she shook her head and Maleficent looked at me excitedly. 'Well. Evilella Maleficent Bertha, meet Mommy.' I smiled at the pair. 'Thwis is Mommy?' She asked, but before a gave an answer, she had already ran into Maleficent's  arms as her mother held her tight. 'I lwove Mommy.' She said softly.

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