I Want You There

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(Mal's POV)

As I walked up to the driver of our traditional black Auradon limo, I thought about what I was about to do. Posting this letter could either fix my relationship with the only family member that actually cared for me, or it could destroy the whole of Auradon. But I've got to give her a chance. She is my mother and I want her here when I get married. If only she was a normal parent, who loved me and raised me like a proper mother would. Pft. As if. The only person that my mom ever loved was herself. Still. Even if she didn't love me, I loved her. A lot. I need to post this letter, and I will. So I quickly nod to the driver of the limo and pass the invitation to him. Well then. Its done. Now I must go and start the rest of my wedding planning.

(Queen Leah POV)

I noticed Mal walking out of the Auradon grounds and down to the water that parts between us and the Isle of the Lost. So I followed her. It was the only respectful thing to do. I noticed her holding an invitation for the royal wedding. (I knew what one looked like as me and my family had all recieved one ourselves). I could only think of whom that invitation could belong to. Only the person who took me away from my daughter, Maleficent. I could not let her come to the wedding. I mean, don't Mal and Ben remember what happened the last time that Maleficent was set free in Auradon? Hell. I can't just keep letting history repeat itself. What if Maleficent puts Audrey or even worse, the whole of Auradon, under a sleeping curse?! Just after Mal passed the limo driver the invitation, I walked up to him cassually. 'King Ben told me to take that because of faculty printing.' I said as I swiftly took the invitation from the driver's hand. He shot me a suspicious glance. 'The packaging was non - ecofriendly.' I shrugged and walked away, a smug smile dancing on my lips. I then chucked the 'faculty' invitation into a nearby trash can and strode off. There. My work was now finished.

(Maleficent's POV)
*1 week later*

I was stood at the long table at Ursula's (Hades's niece) fish and chips shoppe with Evilella since Hades was at work in the soulvaki. I was speaking with Ursula when I overheard my name being spoken on the old television. I quickly turned my head around and rewinded it. 'The soon to be Lady Mal has recently sent out and invitation to her mother, Maleficent, which we have to believe has been accepted.' Snow White (the reporter) said worriedly. But what was she talking about? Mal must have changed her mind last minute and purposely 'forgotten' to send out the invitation. 'Sorry, uh, I have to go.' I said to Ursula and Uma as I grabbed Evilella's hand and walked through the Isle stubbornly. I then burst through the door of Hades's soulvaki and walked right up to the counter. 'Did we receive an invitation for Mal's wedding? ' I said to Hades, practically fuming as he shook his head confusedly. I was her mother! Sure, maybe I never showed any physical emotion that Mal can recall,but it didn't mean that I didn't love her. And yes, maybe I wasn't the biggest fan of her marrying the son of Belle and Beast, but at least she will be happy. Heck, I turned myself into a lizard for her happiness. I can still remember when she was just a baby and I would sleep with her in my bed and cuddle her tight to me. I would lay her on my stomach as though I was still pregnant. When she got older I would teach her knowledge that she needed to know if she was ever going to be a villain. I would laugh at her funny antics and smile softly if she ever messed up. But then she became a teenager. Worst. Years. Of. My. Life. And then she went to Auradon and met Ben and now she's going to marry him. Without me. I was hurt. But what if I gave her a taste of her own medicine. Because of her tiny little mistake, I will go to Auradon and destroy Mal's happiness once and for all. But how to get to Auradon? Hmm. I know! Hades is a god. And gods have their own portals so that they can speak to each other. Soooo if Hades brings me (and Evilella through that portal then we have a way to Auradon. This plan will be absolutely perfect. Now I just have to tell Hades and Evilella.

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