See You In Auradon

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*7 months later*

(Maleficent's POV)

'You four have been chosen to go to a new school. In Auradon.' I exclaimed with glee. I was thrilled that my daughter and her 'friends' were going to be leaving. It meant more time for me and Hades. And more time to prepare for the new baby that I may or may not have told Mal about. Im just not ready for her to know yet. I'm only 7 months, so there's plenty of time until the baby arrives. Anyway, Evie, Jay and Carlos were about to run away, but I used my senses and told my boar - like henchmen to stop them from doing so. 'I'm not going to some boarding school filled to the brim with prissy pink princesses!' Mal moaned in horror. 'And perfect princes.' Evil Queen's daughter sighed before noticing Mal's disgusted face. 'Uck'. She corrected. Jay moved next to Carlos and spoke. 'Yeah and I don't do uniform. Unless it's leather, you feel me?' He put his hand up for Carlos but Carlos only moved closer to Mal. 'I read somewhere that they allow dogs in Auradon. Mom says they're rabid pack animals who eat boys who don't behave.' He jumped as Jay barked in his ear. Mal just looked agitated. 'Yeah mom. We're not going!' She huffed as I held it together. 'Oh, you're thinking small pumpkin. It's all about world domination. Knuckle heads.' I yelled as we began to walk away. I noticed that my daughter wasn't following me. 'Mal.' I called back to her.

*In Bargain castle*

'You will go. You will find the fairy godmother and you will bring me back her magic wand.' I blew on my nails. 'Easy Peasy.' I turned to look at the foursome. 'What's in it for us?' Mal questioned. 'Matching thrones. Hers and hers crowns.' I answered. 'I - I think she meant us.' Carlos stuttered as he signalled him, Mal, Evie and Jay. I threw my nail file. 'it's all about you and me baby.' I stood in front of my daughter. 'Do you enjoy watching innocent people suffer?' I asked, hoping that the answer was of course. 'Well, yeah. I mean, who doesn't.' She shrugged as I cut her off. 'Well then get me the wand. And you and I can see all that and so much more. And with that wand, and my cepter, I will be able to bend both good and evil to my will!' I cried joyfully at the thought of at least one of my children growing up as an evil ruler.' Our will.' Cruella, Evil Queen and Jafar corrected.'Our will, our will.' I said as I turned Mal's attention back to me. 'And if you refuse, you're grounded for the rest of your life, missy.' I grinned as she protested. I know  what will make her go. One of my most favourite things in the world. An evil eye staring contest. My daughter's eyes flashed a cold green. But I knew that mine were colder. I could tell she was struggling, but so was I. This baby was kicking me in the gut and I tried not lose focus. But fortunately Mal gave in before I did. 'Fine.' She muttered as she went to sit on the stairs. 'I win.' I spoke with victory. 'Evie! My little Evilette in training!' Evil Queen called her daughter over as Evie sat beside her mother. 'You just find yourself a Prince with a big castle! And a mother in law Wing.' She added before Evie laughed. 'And lots and lots of mirrors!' She smiled and clapped her hands. 'No laughing. Wrinkles.' Evil Queen commanded. It was such a stupid rule that Evie had to live by. And I thought that I was soft. ' Well, they're not taking my Carlos because I'd miss him too much.' Cruella stated to everyone's surprise. 'Really mom?' Carlos sounded astonished. 'Yes. Who would touch up my roots, fluff my furs and scrape the bunions off my feet.' Cruella exclaimed. 'Maybe a new school wouldn't be the worst thing.' Carlos muttered as he put his mother's leg down. 'But Carlos. They have dogs in Auradon.' Cruella reminded her son as he shook in terror. 'Oh no. I'm not going!' He cried adamantly. 'Ugh.' I was getting frustrated at the so - called 'villains' now. 'Well Jay isn't going either. I need him to stock the shelves in my store. What did you score?' Jafar whispered excitedly as Jay handed his father multiple items. 'Oooh. Ah. Yes. Oh! A lamp!' Jafar cried as he began rubbing the lamp. I rolled my eyes and put my head in my hands. Being pregnant wasn't as exhausting as this was. 'Dad. I already tried.' Jay muttered sadly as his father threw the lamp back to him. I was really annoyed now. 'What is wrong with you all?!' I yelled as I dragged mal off the stairs and pushed her into a seat at the table. 'People used to cower at the mention of our names! For 20 years I have searched for a way off this island! For 20 years they have robbed us of our revenge!' I yelled as I pointed at EQ. 'Revenge on Snow White and her horrible little men!' I cried. 'Ow.'  Was her only response. I then moved to Jafar. 'Revenge on Aladdin and his bloated genie!' I looked him dead in the eye. He looked furious. 'I will -' He yelled before Jay blocked his path. I walked around the table to Cruella and Carlos, who was cowering behind his mother. 'Revenge on every sneaky dalmatian, that escaped your clutches.' I concluded. 'Oh but they didn't get baby. They didn't get the. They didn't get the baby!' Cruella began laughing manically. 'And I. Maleficent. The evilest of them all.' I sat on Evil Queen's lap and looked at myself in the mirror. 'I will, finally have my revenge. On sleeping beauty. And her relentless little Prince.' I hated just speaking their names. 'Villains?' I looked over my shoulder. 'Yes?' They questioned. 'Our day has come. EQ. Give her the magic mirror.' I said as I passed the mirror back to Evil Queen and stood behind her chair. 'Yeah.' She answered as she handed her daughter the mirror. 'This is your magic mirror.' Evie looked rather disgusted but tried to hide her feelings. 'Well. It's not what it used to be. But then again neither are we.' Me and EQ started laughing. Cruella, Jafar and Evil Queen were the only people who knew about the baby. Other than hades, obviously. 'But it will help you find things.' Evil Queen concluded as she crossed her legs. 'Like a Prince.' Evie sighed dreamily. 'Like my waistline.' Evil Queen put her own input in. 'Like the magic wand. Hello!'I cried. 'Hello.' Evil Queen muttered softly. I then remembered something. 'My spellbook! I need my - that book!' I cried as EQ pointed towards an old fridge. 'Ah! The safe! The safe! Queen help me! I can never figure this thing out.' I yelled in frustration as Evil Queen opened the door for me. 'Voila.' She said as I picked up my spellbook. 'Come darling come.' I gestured my daughter to my side. 'There she is. Yes, it doesn't work here, but it will in Auradon. Do you remember? When we were spreading evil and ruining lives?' I asked the other villains dreamily. 'Like it was yesterday.' Evil Queen answered as I was brought back to reality. 'And now you will be making your own memories. By doing exactly as I tell you.' I eyed my daughter before shoving the book into her chest. 'Door.' I told EQ as the sound of a honking horn was heard. 'Let's get this party started.' Jay cried as he got up off his seat. 'Carlos. Come.' Cruella commanded to her son. Evil Queen and her daughter stood up. 'Who's the fairest of them all?'EQ questioned. Evie was dreaming. 'Me.' She cried as her mother disagreed. 'You.' She sighed. I steered my daughter over to the balcony where we both stood. 'The future of the free world rests on your shoulder. Don't blow it.' I winked at her and walked away. I noticed her standing behind. 'Mal!' I rolled my eyes and yelled back to her. She grabbed her bag and ran down the steps of our tall castle. I stood at the balcony, trying to get a good view of my daughter leaving the Isle. 'Ah! Smells like Common folk!' I heard EQ moan. 'Carlos! Come back here now!' I noticed Cruella chase her son out of the castle and watched as he dove into the limmo. Jafar and Jay then came into sight. And last of all was my daughter. She stood at the door and looked up at me. I gave her the 'I'm watching you' look and placed my hand very gently on my mostly - hidden stomach. She nodded and entered the car. We all watched it drive off. Some of the VKs tried to jump through the barrier as soon as it opened, but no one actually made it through. The villans all came back into the castle when the limo was out of sight. EQ came and stood beside me. 'They'll do it. You'll be able to have the baby in a castle ten times the size of the one you have already.' She said, reassuring me. I sighed softly as my little one kicked. EQ noticed that I was fidgety and placed her left hand on the side of my stomach. 'They're fiesty. Like their mom. They know what they want when they want it.' She spoke to me with a soft tone of voice. 'Go see him. I know you want to.' She smiled. I smiled back at her and walked to Hades' place. When I finally stepped through the door I noticed that Hades was sleeping. I probably should have been as quiet as possible, but I did the exact opposite. 'WHO IS IT?!' He yelled angrily. 'Lady Tremaine.' I said sarcastically. 'Oh. It's you.' He took his eye mask off and sat up as I walked over to him. 'To say I'm carrying your baby, you don't sound very happy to see me.' I answered as I sat down beside him. 'Whatever. You woke me.' He accused. 'So? I get woken up at least 5 times every night by this.' I pointed to the bump as Hades placed his hand on it. 'How? It doesn't kick.' He frowned as though the baby was dead. 'That's because it's asleep.' I rolled my eyes and put my feet up. But as I did so, Hades slipped and ended up laying on top of me. We stopped and stared at each other for what felt like a century. He then lept onto me and started kissing me with passion. It was great until he moved onto the bump. I winced and pushed him off. 'What's up babe?' Hades asked, concerned. 'Nothing. Except for the fact that I think you've just squished your child.' I sat up and rubbed the baby in pain. 'Alright then. How about we do it in my room. You know, where you will be more comfortable.' He suggested as he put his hand over mine. 'Sure.' I shot him a sly grin.

Heyyyy! I really enjoyed writing this chapter, that's why it's so long. I just wanted to say thankyou to all of you guys for your AMAZING support. Especially to Cord905loverStuff CaptainVal27 and DescendantsFan03 loved you guys ❤️

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