Welcome To The World

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(Maleficent's POV)

7 months and I'm having contractions. That's not right. I mean, it can't be. They're really painful too. Not as bad as when I was prenant with Mal but, you know. My back kills as well. But anyway, the good news is that today is the day. The day that my daughter frees us all. If she knows what's good for her. I saw her two days ago on a video chat zoom thingy and she looked pretty scared. I almost felt sorry for her, until I realised that every villain has to prove that they are worthy of the title 'evil'. I was thinking about this as I felt a sharp pain in my back. I had to clench my teeth together to fight the pain. 'AHHHHHHHHHH.' I screamed in horror. When the pain in my back eventually began to die down so that it was just a painful ache, I noticed that I was wet. Really really wet. My dress was soaked. Oh no. NO! Back ache and waves of water. There was only one thing that that could mean. My water has broke. I'm in labour. At 7 months. My baby is going to be premature. I - I can't do this. I just can't! I have to get Hades. This baby can't be born in the Castle. Especially not when Cruella, Evil Queen and Jafar are around.

*About 10 minutes later*
P.s. This part is a bit gory :-/

I am nearly at Hades's shack. Which is good except for the fact that I can feel the baby coming out as I'm walking. I get to the point where if I walk anymore, the baby will fall out of me and will fall face first onto the sidewalk. I am literally at the alleyway where I reunited with Hades (outside Hades's house), and I get to the point that I can't walk on anymore. This baby wants out. And now. I sit myself down and I have to make do with a concrete floor instead of a bed. I keep clenching and unclenching everything. My teeth, my hands, my lungs. And that's the moment that I realise that it's going to happen. The birth. I know because the blood starts pooling out and the contractions get faster and faster. Until I reach it. The time I have to start pushing. I breathe in deeply and clench my fists tight, ready to push. I count to three in my head. One, two, three. And I push. And I yell. And I scream.

*15 minutes later*

Until eventually, only crying can be heard. The crying of my baby. I stare at them lying there, naked, and I realise that I have another baby girl. Another heir. Oh god, is she tiny. I notice her wailing with hunger and I'm not sure what to do. I only ever bottle fed Mal and I don't have a bottle on me now. I'll have to breastfeed her. I slowly took the top part of my dress off and undid my bra. I then gently picked my baby up and latched her onto me as she eats happily. I am stuck for a name for her. I think of ideas as I stroke her tufts of blue hair. I am used to this, as Mal also had blue hair as an infant. I know. I will name her after her daddy. Welcome to the world Hadie Maleficent Bertha.

*10 minutes later*
(Hades POV)

I was in my house and I was sorting the baby's room out. I know that Maleficent is not very organised AT ALL. So, I know that if I don't get this kid's room ready then no one will. Anyways, I am nearly finished when I hear the door open and somebody turns my rottweiler record off. 'Heyyyyy.' I call, knowing that the only person who can get in is Maleficent because I gave her a key last time she was here. 'I have a surprise for you.' She replied as I could hear her footsteps getting closer. 'Oh yeah.' I was intruiged by this. 'Look what I just gave birth to.' She said. Gave birth? The baby wasn't due until April. Which was two months away. She stood at the doorway as I stared in shock. There, in Maleficent's arms, was a tiny little naked baby girl. With blue hair. Not purple hair. Blue hair. My mouth dropped open as Maleficent walked closer to me. 'Here. I'm really tired.' She said as she pushed the baby into my arms. 'What's her name?' I breathed deeply at the sight of the child. She had tiny horns growing on her head, and a tiny birthmark of four dragons on her wrist.
'Well. I thought that, because Mal was named after me, she should be named after you. So Hadie Maleficent Bertha, meet your daddy.' Maleficent shed a smile as she laid down on my bed. I couldn't believe that Maleficent had named the baby after me. This kid was so loved already. I bent down and gently kissed Hadie's head. 'Aww. She already adores you.' Maleficent gushed over the amount of love I was showing towards my newly born daughter. Hadie started crying softly because she was hungry. 'Pass her here.' Maleficent sighed as I sat beside her on the bed and passed Hadie over. She then began breastfeeding Hadie again. 'Hadie is a boy's name though.' I said, deep in thought. 'Well. We'll have to think of a nickname for her. A girl's nickname.' Maleficent replied as Hadie stopped eating and fell asleep. 'Like what?' I questioned as Maleficent held our sleeping baby safe in her arms. 'Something wicked. Evilella! (pronounced eve - Ella)' Maleficent grinned in joy. 'Great name. Baby Evilella.' I felt the happiest that I've ever felt when I was stroking my daughter's head beside my true love.

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