I Miss You

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*2 years later *

(Hades POV)

'Where is Mommy, daddy?' the now 2 years old, Evilella asked me when I was making her breakfast. I thought about the question for a minute. 'Well. She's in Auradon.' I answered whilst stopping and staring at my daughter. 'But I fourht that she was wicked and evil and cruel. And that's why I'm Evilella. The pweople in Auradon are good pweople daddy.' She said with a confused expression on her little face. 'They are. And Mommy was an evil person. You remember when I told you the story of the day that you were born, when Mommy turned into a dragon and your sister Mal defeated her?' I questioned as Evilella nodded. 'Well. Mal turned Mommy into a tiny lizard so now Mommy is in a cage in Mal' s bedroom as a lizard.' I said softly, as it still hurt me remembering the memory. Evilella looked upset and I could tell that she was fighting back tears. She knew that she couldn't cry, as when you cry on the Isle people see you as weak. I tell her that she can cry when she's at home, and she does, but sometimes, out of habit, she holds her tears in. I raised her how Maleficent would have raised her. I raised her to be an evil little girl. It got a bit hard when Evilella started growing wings, but I managed. 'Will she ever chwange bwack?' Evilella sniffed. 'If she learns to love, then yes. Mommy can change back.' I always smiled at the thought of Maleficent coming back to us in her human form. That seemed to make Evilella a bit happier. 'That's good.' She smiled. 'Yes. Anyway, you need to get to daycare so that I can go to work in the souvlaki. Come on E.' I said as I took her hand and we walked out of the door.

(Maleficent's POV)

Ugh. I'm bored. Again. Being a lizard is no fun. The only people that cower in fear of you are the dwarf kids and this girl called Jane who still thinks that I can curse her from being 10 metres away and being locked up in a cage, not to mention the fact that I'm a, well, you know, lizard. The fun part though, is that I get to watch Mal sleep! Like how I did when she was a baby. She shares a room with Evie. And the room has made me nearly barf about 8 times. It's so prissy and pink, and although Mal has shut the curtains, it's still really bright. It's so sunny in Auradon. In other words it's horrible. I so badly wish that I was still on the Isle. I mean, Mal would have still been happy then, and I would have still been able to keep in touch with her. And I would've been able to raise Evilella. Last time I saw her she wasn't even 3 hours old, and now she's 2. I miss her so. And Hades, by god do I miss Hades. They're out on the Isle causing chaos whereas I'm such in a cage as a helpless lizard that is only useful when Mal is having a meltdown and needs someone to listen to her troubles. Which is a lot apparently. But I guess that that's what I'm supposed to do, as her mother. I only wish that I could be there for my other daughter like I am here for Mal. Mal still doesn't know about Evilella and I plan to keep it that way. It's just so much easier lying to my daughter as she will hit the roof if she found out the her mother really was pregnant.

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