Why Did It Happen?

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(Maleficent's POV)

I woke feeling horrendous. And I'm sure that it isn't a hang over. When I have a hangover only my head hurts. Nothing else. But now my head hurts, my ankles are swollen and I have a phantom pain in my stomach. The worst part is that I have been like this for about 3 months. I think I passed out when I was transported here. Here being this blasted island. King beast got fairy godmother to banish all of the villains and sidekicks (basically all the really interesting people) to the Isle of the Lost with a magical barrier to keep them there. That means, no magic, no WiFi, no way out. Anyway, back to me. I have to grit my teeth through the pain in the depths of my belly. I have a suspicion of what might be going on, but I daren't say it. It may be due to the fact that I have eaten in 3 months. But then again, not eating never caused swelling. The rest of my body is really thin. Well, more thin than usual. My stomach juts out, like a bump almost. I suppose I could be pregnant with Hades' child. Oh hades. Why did you leave me? WHY? I loved you Hades, I loved you so much. The last night we were together was amazing. We didn't drink as much so I didn't feel that terrible the next morning. And the day he left me. He passed me a cold coffee and gave me the most amazing kiss I've ever witnessed. He said, 'I'm sorry M.' Why did he leave me though? WHAT IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN ME HADE?! WHAT?!

(Author's POV)

Maleficent screamed about Hades for about 20 minutes until she eventually stopped and slumped on her bed. There were goblins surrounding her castle. 'What are you doing here?!' Maleficent demmanded. 'We are your henchmen. We will do your bidding.' the goblins replied. 'Really. Well then. Get me a coffee. BLACK.' Maleficent yelled. She put her hand on her stomach and cried herself to sleep. Meanwhile, Hades was trying to get his head around what had just happened. One minute he was trying to get over his breakup, the next he was sat on the floor of an underground shack. He tried to use his ember to levitate himself but his ember only fell when he let go of it. Great. I'm somewhere with no magic, hades thought.

(Hades' POV)

What should I do to regain my powers? Maleficent would know. WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU HADES?! YOU'VE JUST BROKEN UP WITH THE WOMAN! But I still want her. Why did I break up with her in the first place again? Oh, yeah. It was because I was scared that she was gonna dump me so I dumped her so that she couldn't dump me. Wow that's a mouthful. And a very dumb mouthful. Oh, Hades. Why are you so clueless when it comes to love? It was true love as well. If only she knew. If only she knew that I never wanted to break up with her. If only she knew that I meant everything I said. If only she knew that I would never leave her again. If I could see her again, just once, I would say that I loved her. And she would say that love was for the weak, blah, blah, blah. Or would she say that she loved me too?

(Maleficent's POV)

It's week one and I'm confirming it. I'm pregnant. I have Hades' child pressed up close and personal against my spine. They like to move a bit. Fingers crossed they're like their mom. Because if they're like their dad then they will leave their true love. Just like Hades did to me. Now I have to raise his kid all on my own. Although I suppose it's my kid too.

(Author's POV)

Maleficent woke up early again the next morning. 'Get me something strong. WHICH MEANS BLACK!' She yelled to her henchmen. She walked outside and stood up tall on the balcony of bargain castle. She stared down at her subjects, who all cowered in fear of their mistress. Maleficent thought about how one day her child would be standing there, looking down at their own subjects. She often thought about what would have happened if Hades had ever known about  the baby and if he'd have stayed with her. Thinking of Hades made Maleficent feel depressed and she walked to her room and cried her tears into her pillow. She stayed like that for hours and hours. She was trying to prove that she was over Hades but really, he was still the most important person in the world to her.

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